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I don't see theodicy as some massively huge metaphysical problem.
Humans have free will to choose righteousness or depravity
Most bad things that happen are a consequence free will. The only reason earthquakes are deadly is because humans have chosen to overpopulate and live in crowded cities. Most cancers are a result of us choosing to introduce synthetic chemicals and toxins into the environment. Death by flood is a consequence of choosing to live in flood plains.
A deity forcing us to be happy and secure requires taking away free will. And I am not sure if forced happiness is really something that even counts as happiness. Happiness is a state of euphoria, it doesn't say anything especially significant about the meaning and purpose of existence. Humans, almost uniquely among animals, seemed designed with a faculty for perfectibility, the desire and ability to improve one's condition
Why do you believe God is too powerless to make a world where people are happy?