God has a plan and in the end it will work out perfectly!
Interesting blind guess. Did someone help you think it up?
There's a difference between blind faith,and Faith from the Holy Spirit
God has a plan and in the end it will work out perfectly!
I wasn't expecting an encore, but you are full of surprises. Thanks. You are my idol.
But there is no difference between a blind guess and a blind guess!
Nothing wrong with you blindly guessing there is a Holy Spirit. It is cute. And who knows...your blind guess may be correct.
But there is no difference between a blind guess and a blind guess!
Nothing wrong with you blindly guessing there is a Holy Spirit. It is cute. And who knows...your blind guess may be correct.
Your mind is a blank. Nothing you say has substance.
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?
If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.
Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.
Even God has limits to power.
Take the libertarian idea of unlimited freedom. Comes from the same faulty myth of unlimited power.
Good quote, thank you. What Leibniz meant is that this is the best God could do.
The possible worlds pre-exist God's choice. Thus, the universe is limited, as is God's power.
Atheism is a blind guess.
Like gun banners padding gun violence numbers with gun suicides (and ignoring the 50% non-gun suicides), atheists love to pad their numbers with agnostics and non-religious believers.
While it is logical to debate the merits of the three Abrahamic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc, the fact remains most human beings sense there is a depth to existence greater than what is in front of their noses. To deny that is to blind oneself to the nature of human beings.
The assertion that there are no gods...can only be a blind guess.
"Atheism" is just a word some people use as a self-descriptor to denote that they either have blindly guessed that there are no gods...or that they have blindly guessed that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.
They do indeed.
It is almost certain that there is a depth to existence that is MUCH GREATER than what humans can see...or even imagine.
How would you know what happiness is without sadness?
How would you know what utopia is without imperfections?
You have to remember who is saying that God cannot make anyone happy. This is BidenPresident making this claim. It is simply an indication that he is unhappy, a natural result of his ignorance and willingness to be a slave to Democrat tyranny.
He blames God, not the Democrats that he nevertheless supports.
If people are happy they are not missing out on anything.
And you are obviously missing out on a lot. You are unhappy. Don't blame God for it. This is YOUR choice.
Just because you are incapable of discussing the issue does not make it beyond everyone else's ability.
I have been discussing the issue for over forty years now...and I intend to continue to discuss it until I die. I have had dozens of op ed pieces published in newspapers...and have debated the issues in a half-dozen on-line fora.
You really have to up your game. Suggesting that I am incapable of discussing the issue is so absurd, I almost feel guilty about laughing at you.