Theology Question

No. I'm a fallen and flawed and imperfect being. He holds all the cards. He created me and he created my brain chemistry. When I sought him in my darkest hour but heard nothing He helped me realize He either didn't really care or wasn't really there. Since I cannot accept a God who acts with evil intent I can only draw the conclusion that he isn't there.

So your version of God doesn't know what is going to happen in the future?

That is wrong. Time is not contingent upon MY actions. I can sit here doing nothing and time still passes.

If you ask God for help, you have to be prepared to listen.
No. I'm a fallen and flawed and imperfect being.
You chose to become so.
He holds all the cards.
What game do you think God likes?
He created me and he created my brain chemistry.
Brain chemistry is not thought.
When I sought him in my darkest hour but heard nothing He helped me realize He either didn't really care or wasn't really there.
Sound like you simply didn't listen. Attempted proof by ignore.
Since I cannot accept a God who acts with evil intent I can only draw the conclusion that he isn't there.
What is the 'evil intent'??
So your version of God doesn't know what is going to happen in the future?
You determine your own future.
That is wrong. Time is not contingent upon MY actions.
Yes it is.
I can sit here doing nothing and time still passes.
That is an action.
Yes. I prefer to think of it as he is trying to justify being equal if not superior to God.
Folks like this cannot accept that there just might be something greater than themselves.

Ever wonder where the arrogance of Democrats (that tend to belong to the Church of No God) comes from?

You found it.
Not a limitation. I have already answered this question.

You are no atheist. You belong to the Church of No God. You also belong to the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Karl Marx. You do care for your religions. You are trying to disprove God right now.

Why do you think the Universe was created at all?

Since you believe there is no God and no Satan, your argument is rather silly.


Is there something wrong with you?
false assumption based upon bias and ignorance.

Faith in Gods require a lot of assumptions, bias, and ignorance- three of the most obvious burdens of man!

I don't know a lot about Gods- But I know what Man is capable of, and I fear Man much more than I ever feared a God!

I've never feared God- But Man, Man are the scariest creatures in my living world!
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Faith in Gods require a lot of assumptions, bias, and ignorance- three of the most obvious burdens of man!

I don't know a lot about Gods- But I know what Man is capable of, and I fear Man much more than I ever feared a God!

I've never feared God- But Man, Man are the scariest creatures in my living world!

yes. and atheists are the scariest.
yes. and atheists are the scariest.

Do you have an example to back up your claim?

Or do you just enjoy running your mouth?

Because I do!

For a man whom history can never forget, Adolf Hitler remains a persistent mystery on one front — his religious faith. Atheists tend to insist Hitler was a devout Christian. Christians counter that he was an atheist. And still others suggest that he was a practicing member of the occult. None of these theories are true, says historian Richard Weikart. Delving more deeply into the question of Hitler’s religious faith than any researcher to date, Weikart reveals the startling and fascinating truth about the most hated man of the 20th century: Adolf Hitler was a pantheist who believed nature was God. In Hitler’s Religion, Weikart explains how the laws of nature became Hitler’s only moral guide — how he became convinced he would serve God by annihilating supposedly “inferior” human beings and promoting the welfare and reproduction of the allegedly superior Aryans in accordance with racist forms of Darwinism prevalent at the time.

......YOU KNOW, Like how Republicans are convinced they are serving God by treating minorities as “inferior” human beings and promoting the welfare and power of White Evangelical Nationalism! Which is totally counterintuitive to true Christianity and the teachings of Jesus!


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Do you have an example to back up your claim?

Or do you just enjoy running your mouth?

Because I do!

For a man whom history can never forget, Adolf Hitler remains a persistent mystery on one front — his religious faith. Atheists tend to insist Hitler was a devout Christian. Christians counter that he was an atheist. And still others suggest that he was a practicing member of the occult. None of these theories are true, says historian Richard Weikart. Delving more deeply into the question of Hitler’s religious faith than any researcher to date, Weikart reveals the startling and fascinating truth about the most hated man of the 20th century: Adolf Hitler was a pantheist who believed nature was God. In Hitler’s Religion, Weikart explains how the laws of nature became Hitler’s only moral guide — how he became convinced he would serve God by annihilating supposedly “inferior” human beings and promoting the welfare and reproduction of the allegedly superior Aryans in accordance with racist forms of Darwinism prevalent at the time.

......YOU KNOW, Like how Republicans are convinced they are serving God by treating minorities as “inferior” human beings and promoting the welfare and power of White Evangelical Nationalism! Which is totally counterintuitive to true Christianity and the teachings of Jesus!



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Mass killings under communist regimes - Wikipedia › wiki › Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes
Mass killings under communist regimes occurred through a variety of means during the 20th century, including executions, famine, deaths through forced labour, ... In 1994, Rummel's book Death by Government included about 110 million people, foreign and domestic, killed by communist democide from 1900 to 1987.
Democide - Wikipedia › wiki › Democide
Democide is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command." According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims, extrajudicial ...
MURDER BY COMMUNISM - University of Hawaiʻi › powerkills › COM.ART.HTM
In sum the communist probably have murdered something like 110,000,000, or near two-thirds of all those killed by all governments, quasi-governments, and guerrillas from 1900 to 1987. Of course, the world total itself it shocking. It is several times the 38,000,000 battle-dead that have been killed in all this century's international and ...
DEMOCIDE VERSUS GENOCIDE: WHICH IS WHAT? - University of Hawaiʻi › powerkills › GENOCIDE.HTM
As defined, elaborated, and qualified in Chapter 2 of Death By Government, democide is any murder by government--by officials acting under the authority of government. That is, they act according to explicit or implicit government policy or with the implicit or explicit approval of the highest officials. Such was the burying alive of Chinese ...
Democide - Conservapedia › Democide
Examples. The Great Purge of the Soviet Union was the largest purge in a series of purges lasting eighty years (1917-1997), which left over 60 million people dead.; The Holocaust by Nazi Germany was a democide.; Operation Keelhaul.Estimated two million Soviet POW's repatriated to the Soviet Union exterminated beginning 1945.; The Peoples Republic of China under the Chinese Communist Party is ...
Definition of Democide (Genocide and Mass Murder) - University of Hawaiʻi › powerkills › DBG.CHAP2.HTM
Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government. Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Genocide is horrible, an abomination of our species, totally unacceptable. It is an obscenity, the evil of our time that all good people must work to ...
How to Prevent Democide | AIER › article › how-to-prevent-democide
The deaths under communist rule are only a subset of the deaths that occurred at the hands of governments. Murder by government — democide, as Rudolph Rummel called it — accounts for terminating the lives of 262 million individuals during the 20th century.
Democide - Wikipedia › ?query=Democide
Democide in Communist and Nationalist China, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union are characterized by Rummel as deka-megamurderers (128,168,000), while those in Cambodia, Japan, ... Crimes Against Humanity under Communist Regimes - Research Review (PDF). Stockholm, Sweden: Forum for Living History. pp. 35, 79. ...
Democide: Understanding the State's Monopoly on Violence and the Second ... › politics › democide-understanding-the-states-monopoly-on-violence-and-the-second-amendment-2
Far and away, the worst offenders in the world of democide are communist regimes. The Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia all enter in the "million-plus" club and rank among the most democidal regimes in human history. ... This breaks down into 20 million under Stalin, 9 million under Lenin and 7 ...
Democide: The State's Monopoly on Guns + Violence - › articles › democide-hitler-stalin-mao-state-violence-guide
Far and away, the worst offenders in the world of democide are communist regimes. The Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia all enter in the "million-plus" club and rank among the most democidal regimes in human history. ... This breaks down into 20 million under Stalin, 9 million under Lenin and 7 ...

Mass killings under communist regimes
Mass killings under communist regimes occurred through a variety of means during the 20th century, including executions, famine, deaths through forced labour, deportation, starvation, and imprisonment. Some of these events have been classified as genocides or crimes against humanity.Wikipedia
Safe search: offAny time
Mass killings under communist regimes - Wikipedia › wiki › Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes
Mass killings under communist regimes occurred through a variety of means during the 20th century, including executions, famine, deaths through forced labour, ... In 1994, Rummel's book Death by Government included about 110 million people, foreign and domestic, killed by communist democide from 1900 to 1987.
Democide - Wikipedia › wiki › Democide
Democide is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command." According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims, extrajudicial ...
MURDER BY COMMUNISM - University of Hawaiʻi › powerkills › COM.ART.HTM
In sum the communist probably have murdered something like 110,000,000, or near two-thirds of all those killed by all governments, quasi-governments, and guerrillas from 1900 to 1987. Of course, the world total itself it shocking. It is several times the 38,000,000 battle-dead that have been killed in all this century's international and ...
DEMOCIDE VERSUS GENOCIDE: WHICH IS WHAT? - University of Hawaiʻi › powerkills › GENOCIDE.HTM
As defined, elaborated, and qualified in Chapter 2 of Death By Government, democide is any murder by government--by officials acting under the authority of government. That is, they act according to explicit or implicit government policy or with the implicit or explicit approval of the highest officials. Such was the burying alive of Chinese ...
Democide - Conservapedia › Democide
Examples. The Great Purge of the Soviet Union was the largest purge in a series of purges lasting eighty years (1917-1997), which left over 60 million people dead.; The Holocaust by Nazi Germany was a democide.; Operation Keelhaul.Estimated two million Soviet POW's repatriated to the Soviet Union exterminated beginning 1945.; The Peoples Republic of China under the Chinese Communist Party is ...
Definition of Democide (Genocide and Mass Murder) - University of Hawaiʻi › powerkills › DBG.CHAP2.HTM
Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government. Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Genocide is horrible, an abomination of our species, totally unacceptable. It is an obscenity, the evil of our time that all good people must work to ...
How to Prevent Democide | AIER › article › how-to-prevent-democide
The deaths under communist rule are only a subset of the deaths that occurred at the hands of governments. Murder by government — democide, as Rudolph Rummel called it — accounts for terminating the lives of 262 million individuals during the 20th century.
Democide - Wikipedia › ?query=Democide
Democide in Communist and Nationalist China, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union are characterized by Rummel as deka-megamurderers (128,168,000), while those in Cambodia, Japan, ... Crimes Against Humanity under Communist Regimes - Research Review (PDF). Stockholm, Sweden: Forum for Living History. pp. 35, 79. ...
Democide: Understanding the State's Monopoly on Violence and the Second ... › politics › democide-understanding-the-states-monopoly-on-violence-and-the-second-amendment-2
Far and away, the worst offenders in the world of democide are communist regimes. The Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia all enter in the "million-plus" club and rank among the most democidal regimes in human history. ... This breaks down into 20 million under Stalin, 9 million under Lenin and 7 ...
Democide: The State's Monopoly on Guns + Violence - › articles › democide-hitler-stalin-mao-state-violence-guide
Far and away, the worst offenders in the world of democide are communist regimes. The Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia all enter in the "million-plus" club and rank among the most democidal regimes in human history. ... This breaks down into 20 million under Stalin, 9 million under Lenin and 7 ...

Mass killings under communist regimes
Mass killings under communist regimes occurred through a variety of means during the 20th century, including executions, famine, deaths through forced labour, deportation, starvation, and imprisonment. Some of these events have been classified as genocides or crimes against humanity.Wikipedia

Do I here a lot of bla bla bla here in your response- or is it just another fried brain that is a sad thing to waste yelping out! :laugh:

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