Theology Question

Incorrect. It is a mandatory contradiction.

You just finished explaining the theism (spirituality) of communism, and yet somehow you fell for the idea that communism is also atheistic. It's not.

Communism, just as every Marxist religion, is theistic, which precludes atheism. No religion gets to declare itself atheistic.

On this topic, Into the Night is spot on.

no he isn't, intothenight.

it's idiotic word games.
Ultimate circular argument.

The Bible is the Word of God because the Bible tells us so.

Rinse. Repeat


All religions are based on some initial circular argument. It is also known as the argument of faith. It is not a fallacy.
Trying to PROVE a circular creates the fallacy. That is what a fundamentalist does.
You can't comprehend Faith because you have none! So you Assume it's Blind Faith

If it bothers you to find out that your "beliefs" (about gods and their character)...are nothing but blind guesses...fine. Whatever makes life worth living!

But anyone asserting "there are no gods" is simply sharing a blind guess. And anyone asserting "there is a GOD" is almost certainly also sharing a blind guess.

Most people who make the blind guess "there is a GOD" also make lots of blind guesses about the nature of the god's character...about what pleases and offends it and what it expects of humans.

I am willing to listen to your blind guesses on the issue. So don't get your panties in a twist over it.
Without a doubt he doesn't understand golf...:)

I had two birdies yesterday.

Hey...glad you finally got rid of that other avatar. Although why you replaced it with a picture of someone who looks even more stupid baffles me.
You can't comprehend Faith because you have none! So you Assume it's Blind Faith
Yes, your faith is blind. You certainly have not provided any rational basis for it.

Tell me, how is your blind guess somehow Frank's fault?

I do not believe Apisa understands much of anything.
You have BidenPresident on your side. That's two strikes against you.

Why is your faith a better guess than Islam, or than the Choctaw faith?

Do you believe in Global Warming? You do? That faith is a contradiction and is worse than blind.