Theoretical models of evolution have completely collapsed in light of real-world data, aka "Institute for Creation Research" is not a credible scientific source.

Try again, this time with a reputable scientific source.

On a sidebar, I have found that evolution deniers, climate deniers, and the Flat Earth society use the exact same tactics to undermine scientific institutions and respect for expertise and scholarly knowledge.

It basically involves trying to use "blog science", disreputable sources, deception, fake experts, quacks, and subpar, unqualified, or outlier scientists., aka "Institute for Creation Research" is not a credible scientific source.

Try again, this time with a reputable scientific source.

On a sidebar, I have found that evolution deniers, climate deniers, and the Flat Earth society use the exact same tactics to undermine scientific institutions and respect for expertise and scholarly knowledge.

It basically involves trying to use "blog science", disreputable sources, deception, fake experts, quacks, and subpar, unqualified, or outlier scientists.
So why then are almost all branches of applied biology based on evolutionary theory?

Are you saying that a shift in allele frequency over time isn’t an objective empirical fact?

What evidence do you have that the three laws of nature that support natural selection, the laws of inheritance, variation and superfecundancy, have been falsified?

BTW, what is your education in Biology?, aka "Institute for Creation Research" is not a credible scientific source.

Try again, this time with a reputable scientific source.

On a sidebar, I have found that evolution deniers, climate deniers, and the Flat Earth society use the exact same tactics to undermine scientific institutions and respect for expertise and scholarly knowledge.

It basically involves trying to use "blog science", disreputable sources, deception, fake experts, quacks, and subpar, unqualified, or outlier scientists.

thanks for applying the highly evolved "kill the messenger" tool of lib'rul logic......
What evidence do you have that the three laws of nature that support natural selection, the laws of inheritance, variation and superfecundancy, have been falsified?
less falsifed, more misdirected.....a 5% variable is suffcient to account for verifiable evolution......just not enough to justify lib'rul fantasies of humans evolving from amoebas.....
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Grugore is mentally ill.
Yes, he's stupid as well,
but it's his lack of mental health that inspires his batshit crazy posts like this one.

Forget about sophisticated genetic research with fruit flies, something obscure to most people.
That research has made evolution readily visible on a short time span basis.

But everybody knows about dogs, which are pretty much just like us, having all the same organs and most of the same emotions.

Raise grey wolves in a domestic environment.
In thirty generations, the offspring are genetically mutated to dogs, solely on the basis of human nurturing.
Their DNA is permanently mutated.
That's scientifically confirmed.

Evolution is fact, not theory.
I'm not religious, but the Catholic Church in which I was raised
has accepted evolution for at least a century, and it's taught in prestigious Catholic universities.

Who doesn't believe in it? Bob Jones University?
Give me a fucking break.
Try to think of Grugore more as 'Forum Humor'.
Yes, of course he is mentally ill and batshit crazy, but let's face it, we need some comic relief around here now and then.

My Vote, and it is just my vote, is to NOT call the men in white with the nets to come and get Grugore. Let him roam free is what I say.

'FREE GRUGORE' ... I stand with Grugore!
less falsifed, more misdirected.....a 5% variable is suffcient to account for verifiable evolution......just not enough to justify lib'rul fantasies of humans evolving from amoebas.....
Please explain how biologist are liberals? Is that just a proxy fact...if you study biology at a professional level you're automatically a liberal?
are we allowed to quote somebody with a degree in biology even if we don't know the recipe for agar?......
You can quote who ever you want to. That doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.

These types of discussions make Biologist either laugh at their silliness or make them want to pull their hair out of their heads by their failure to teach evolutionary theory at a primary/introductory level. If it wasn't for the political implications the opinions of creationist would just simply be laughed at and ignored.

We both know why too. There is no more useful scientific theory for modeling speciation than evolution by means of natural selection. Until someone comes up with a better scientific theory this is the one we have and in terms of making useful and verifiable predictions it's hard to beat. Otherwise nearly all the applied branches of biology wouldn't be based on evolutionary theory.
Grugore is mentally ill.
Yes, he's stupid as well,
but it's his lack of mental health that inspires his batshit crazy posts like this one.

Forget about sophisticated genetic research with fruit flies, something obscure to most people.
That research has made evolution readily visible on a short time span basis.

But everybody knows about dogs, which are pretty much just like us, having all the same organs and most of the same emotions.

Raise grey wolves in a domestic environment.
In thirty generations, the offspring are genetically mutated to dogs, solely on the basis of human nurturing.
Their DNA is permanently mutated.
That's scientifically confirmed.

Evolution is fact, not theory.
I'm not religious, but the Catholic Church in which I was raised
has accepted evolution for at least a century, and it's taught in prestigious Catholic universities.

Who doesn't believe in it? Bob Jones University?
Give me a fucking break.

Evolution is both fact and theory. At least in the scientific definition of the term "theory". Just as gravity is both fact and theory.
You can quote who ever you want to. That doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.

These types of discussions make Biologist either laugh at their silliness or make them want to pull their hair out of their heads by their failure to teach evolutionary theory at a primary/introductory level. If it wasn't for the political implications the opinions of creationist would just simply be laughed at and ignored.

We both know why too. There is no more useful scientific theory for modeling speciation than evolution by means of natural selection. Until someone comes up with a better scientific theory this is the one we have and in terms of making useful and verifiable predictions it's hard to beat. Otherwise nearly all the applied branches of biology wouldn't be based on evolutionary theory.

Your claim about "prediction" merely means that the belief system created out of your prejudice confirms your prejudice....
So why then are almost all branches of applied biology based on evolutionary theory?

Are you saying that a shift in allele frequency over time isn’t an objective empirical fact?

What evidence do you have that the three laws of nature that support natural selection, the laws of inheritance, variation and superfecundancy, have been falsified?

BTW, what is your education in Biology?

What you are referring to is adaptation. Evolution is a myth. There has never been an undisputed intermediate fossil. There has never been observed one kind of life evolving into another. Also, remember that failed fruit fly experiment? Of course you do, much as you'd love to forget it. It proved once and for all that mutations, the mythical driving force of evolution, do not create the information for new species. It destroys information.
Grugore is mentally ill.
Yes, he's stupid as well,
but it's his lack of mental health that inspires his batshit crazy posts like this one.

Forget about sophisticated genetic research with fruit flies, something obscure to most people.
That research has made evolution readily visible on a short time span basis.

But everybody knows about dogs, which are pretty much just like us, having all the same organs and most of the same emotions.

Raise grey wolves in a domestic environment.
In thirty generations, the offspring are genetically mutated to dogs, solely on the basis of human nurturing.
Their DNA is permanently mutated.
That's scientifically confirmed.

Evolution is fact, not theory.
I'm not religious, but the Catholic Church in which I was raised
has accepted evolution for at least a century, and it's taught in prestigious Catholic universities.

Who doesn't believe in it? Bob Jones University?
Give me a fucking break.

By definition, all dogs, including wolves, are the same species since they are fertile with each other. No evolution has taken place. Once again, some ignorant atheist has confused evolution with adaptation. They are not the same thing. Please educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me
It's not that evolution has been discredited, it is that our understanding is simply updated. It is still evolution.

Just like gravity the theory of it has changed dramatically over the years.