Theory: Everything from the UK is OVERRATED.


on indefiniate mod break
Monty Python/all british comedy - IT'S NOT THAT FUNNY GUYS. Sometimes, it's ok. But mostly, it's just mediocre and random. How often can you laugh with having people run around fast being chased by someone waving a rolling pin. The only funny thing about it is that all their fucking "JOKES" AREN'T FUNNY and you are laughing at how pathetic it all is. THAT'S NOT FUNNY.

Example of British fucked up "comedy":

*Note, the above is super popular and lots of people actually think it's funny instead of retarded. If you made this and showed it to your friends, they would say, "um... that video sucks." British people make it though and they are comic geniuses.

Music - The beattles.

The beatles wrote simple songs for simple people. It is an established fact that the more people that like something, the worse it is. This is because most people are stupid mouth drooling idiots, and thus, the more people that like your stuff, the higher ratio your fans are drooling morons.

It can also be filed under the grandmother theory - If your grandmother can like something, then it's not good.

*Note, this also applies to coldplay.

Thank you for reading.

You're wrong, Monty Python is indeed funny. But they're the only ones, well, maybe Ricky Gervais and Eddie Izzard. But that's it. Benny Hill, not funny.
yes, it's a grammar/history joke. 3d is either dumb or he was being facetious

I got the joke - they WERE #1 and then they became a failed, former empire - and actually, its pretty funny, lol.

However, I wanted payback for you calling me out on "you're" the other day.
I like most british humor.
I think most Jewish humor sucks.
Redneck humor is kinda like the reality of life for me. But mostly funny.
Especially the "you might be a redneck if" guy.
Galliger is funny.
So was / is Airplane.

And yes I do not care much for Benny Hill. Better to watch while stoned and with the sound off just to see the busty girls.
I would like to point out that "Fawlty Towers" is awesome British humour. Grind, if you haven't seen it, get on it. Its John Cleese at his best.
I would like to point out that "Fawlty Towers" is awesome British humour. Grind, if you haven't seen it, get on it. Its John Cleese at his best.

Yes, Fawlty Towers is very good. Could it have something to do with John Cleese being in the cast? I call that the Monty Python Continuum.
Python is hilarious. Its silly and its stupid, but it is hilarious.

The Beattles were the beginnings of Rock & Roll. People claim Elvis was the king, but all rock music flows from the Beattles and Buddy Holly.
BTW, the music The Beatles made was a hell of a lot more complicated to write and play than most indie rock. 90% of indie rock is strumming two chords (they decided to simplify beyond three chords) and singing nonsense lyrics arranged in a way to make them seem deeper than they really are.
BTW, the music The Beatles made was a hell of a lot more complicated to write and play than most indie rock. 90% of indie rock is strumming two chords (they decided to simplify beyond three chords) and singing nonsense lyrics arranged in a way to make them seem deeper than they really are.

hey watermark i wanna hold your hand. Also, wouldn't it be great and shit if everyone just got along and there were no wars?

I'm with you on The Beatles, Grind. While I recognize and appreciate the contributions they made to the world of music, I've always found them to be overrated.
hey watermark i wanna hold your hand. Also, wouldn't it be great and shit if everyone just got along and there were no wars?


The difference is, the Beatles were under no pretense of being deep. Is it a crime to sometimes just want to be fun? The emotion in "I want to hold your hand" is great even if it is cheesy, and it's great music. Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday, they were both very sad, very touching. And that's what was so great about the Beatles music; the emotions it inspired in you, because that's all music is really worth. Indie bands aren't deep, just pretentious. The Beatles are as unpretentious as it gets. And "I want to hold your hand" is, IMHO, "deeper" than the pure super-undeep nonsense by Wolf Parade anyway.