There actions dont show confidance.. just there words!


Well-known member
While publicly saying he is confident about the Republicans maintaning control of the House and Senate, his actions seem to reflect a certian amount of desperation...

He is abandoning his standard "Stay the Corse", his minions are proposing timelines for Iraq to control there own country and he is signaling that there will be some changes comming in how he is running his Iraq war!

So I have to ask, how sure is he about that Republican majority?
Typical Republican reaction, dont respond to the allegation, juat attack the one who made the point!
The goals haven't changed. That is the point and playing word games will not make it so. The goal is to create a stable goverment in Iraq. No one bit of change there. How we get there may change.
Bush is scurrying around changing things at the last min. all the while exclaming that he is comfortable that Republicans will retain majorities.
Typical Republican reaction, dont respond to the allegation, juat attack the one who made the point!

Damn straight! All you do, is sit around in your profound ignorance, making one baseless allegation after another. You think Republicans have nothing better to do, than spend their time responding to your lies and rhetoric? You are an idiot, an uneducated and ignorant idiot, and what you have to say, is of no consequence to me or any other Republican.

Once upon a time, I would have had sympathy for someone as dumb as you, but with the Internet and all the resources available, there is no excuse to be as ignorant as you are. You should spend less time posting here, and more time learning to spell and how to use proper basic grammar. To continue to demonstrate how uneducated and ignorant you are, is not helping the Democrats or "the cause" at all, if anything, it tarnishes the image of the liberal elitist intellectuals, and diminishes the message from the left. I am surprised they still allow you on their side.
Damn straight! All you do, is sit around in your profound ignorance, making one baseless allegation after another. You think Republicans have nothing better to do, than spend their time responding to your lies and rhetoric? You are an idiot, an uneducated and ignorant idiot, and what you have to say, is of no consequence to me or any other Republican.

Once upon a time, I would have had sympathy for someone as dumb as you, but with the Internet and all the resources available, there is no excuse to be as ignorant as you are. You should spend less time posting here, and more time learning to spell and how to use proper basic grammar. To continue to demonstrate how uneducated and ignorant you are, is not helping the Democrats or "the cause" at all, if anything, it tarnishes the image of the liberal elitist intellectuals, and diminishes the message from the left. I am surprised they still allow you on their side.

Ohh, a bit testy are you Dixie, well thats understandable this close to the election and all...!
Damn straight! All you do, is sit around in your profound ignorance, making one baseless allegation after another. You think Republicans have nothing better to do, than spend their time responding to your lies and rhetoric? You are an idiot, an uneducated and ignorant idiot, and what you have to say, is of no consequence to me or any other Republican.

Once upon a time, I would have had sympathy for someone as dumb as you, but with the Internet and all the resources available, there is no excuse to be as ignorant as you are. You should spend less time posting here, and more time learning to spell and how to use proper basic grammar. To continue to demonstrate how uneducated and ignorant you are, is not helping the Democrats or "the cause" at all, if anything, it tarnishes the image of the liberal elitist intellectuals, and diminishes the message from the left. I am surprised they still allow you on their side.

I thought Jarod was on your ignore list?

Another flip-flop? ;)
I think I really hit a nerve with Dixland!

LMAO... yeah, I am really disturbed by your continual displays of illiteracy and ignorance. The fact that you don't know the difference between "there" and "their", which most of us learned in 3rd grade, is just driving me nuts. You keep telling yourself that, moron.
Funny how he only ignores me once I have proven him an idiot... then he sulks away for about a week and comes back at me again with a personal attack.

He cant debate politics with me, as I am out of his league (with his silly rants and spinning) so he either ignores me or attacks me on cosmedic issues!
That is funny Jarod, you make posts about threads from weeks ago and think you are saying something new. Guess it took you that long to think of something to say.

Not only that you have to make several versions of the same topic and post them all.
Funny how he only ignores me once I have proven him an idiot...

You've not proven anything, except your illiteracy.

then he sulks away for about a week and comes back at me again with a personal attack.

I've not gone anywhere, I post here everyday. And it's not a personal attack at all, it's a statement of fact, you are an uneducated and illiterate boob.

He cant debate politics with me, as I am out of his league

Yeah, you got me there, you are indeed out of my league... damn I wish I was retarded enough to debate with you! Oh well?

so he either ignores me or attacks me on cosmedic issues!

I ignore you because you are an irrelevant and incompetent liar, who doesn't have the intelligence to complete a sentence without looking like a retard. It's not "cosmedic" it's "cosmetic" and pointing out your illiterate ignorance, is not cosmetic, it is an important factor in determining your credibility. If you don't have enough sense to spell basic words and use them correctly in a sentence, what's to say you have any knowledge of current events or world affairs? You render yourself invalid on that basis alone, before you even start the debate.

I can't imagine being so utterly ignorant and posting on a political message board. If I were you, I would find a nice game playing site, where I didn't have to spell. I mean, go ahead and vote Democrat, they are depending on the "stupid vote" to win, but save yourself the humiliating embarrassment of trying to converse with moderately educated people, on issues that are obviously way beyond your comprehension level. If you are just dead set on being a political activist voice on the Internet, take the time to educate yourself a little, invest in spell check, look up a word or two before you post... at least make an attempt to convince people you aren't an absolutely uneducated moron.
I ignore you because you are an irrelevant and incompetent liar

See how much he ignores me.... He says he is ignoring me then cant stop the personal attacks when I push his buttons.
I ignore you because you are an irrelevant and incompetent liar

See how much he ignores me.... He says he is ignoring me then cant stop the personal attacks when I push his buttons.

It's not personal, and it's not a personal attack to point out someone is illiterate and uneducated. You've not pushed my buttons, I have simply tried to give you some friendly advice. Most people wouldn't bother, they would just let you continue making a complete jackass of yourself for the world to see, and laugh at you behind your back, at least I am considerate enough to be honest with you.

See, jarhead... it's really not possible to debate with a stupid person, they lack the basic principles of understanding and comprehension to genuinely discuss the issues. Take stem cell research, for example... if you don't know how to spell 'confidence' correctly, how are you supposed to understand the complicated clinical and medical aspects of embryonic stem cell research? You can't, you just read the mindless left-wing tripe at some propaganda web site, and run off to or here, and post it relentlessly, over and over again. When you are challenged, you ignore facts and logic and insist you are right, and post it over and over some more, after a few days of this, when people have given up trying to have a reasonable discussion with you, it is perceived as a victory by you, because no one is left responding to your idiot ass.
It's not personal, and it's not a personal attack to point out someone is illiterate and uneducated. You've not pushed my buttons, I have simply tried to give you some friendly advice. Most people wouldn't bother, they would just let you continue making a complete jackass of yourself for the world to see, and laugh at you behind your back, at least I am considerate enough to be honest with you.

See, jarhead... it's really not possible to debate with a stupid person, they lack the basic principles of understanding and comprehension to genuinely discuss the issues. Take stem cell research, for example... if you don't know how to spell 'confidence' correctly, how are you supposed to understand the complicated clinical and medical aspects of embryonic stem cell research? You can't, you just read the mindless left-wing tripe at some propaganda web site, and run off to or here, and post it relentlessly, over and over again. When you are challenged, you ignore facts and logic and insist you are right, and post it over and over some more, after a few days of this, when people have given up trying to have a reasonable discussion with you, it is perceived as a victory by you, because no one is left responding to your idiot ass.


Dixhead... you are a silly pittafull joke of a person. You will say anything to try to justify your mistaken conservative belifes. It would be sad if it were not so funny.

Now if you want to discuss my inability to spell fine, ill be happy to discuss Bush's inability to pronounce nuclear or his inability to speak in complete sentences!

So if you cant pronounce nuclear, can you be expected to understand the complexities of negotiating with North Korea? If your premis is correct, should we not get a more articulate president?
Dixhead... you are a silly pittafull joke of a person.

That's pitiful joke, not 'pittafull'. It's bad when you are too profoundly ignorant to insult someone accurately.

You will say anything to try to justify your mistaken conservative belifes.

That's beliefs, not 'belifes'. My conservative principles have yet to be challenged by you, and this has to happen before you can say they are 'mistaken' or 'unjustified'. It's part of the problem you have, thinking these little details don't matter, like spelling.

It would be sad if it were not so funny.

Oh, it is sad, even though it's also funny. The saddest part is, you don't even realize what a pathetic loser you are, or why you are considered irrelevant in the arena of ideas. You still actually think, in all your illiterate ignorance, people care about what you have to say.

Now if you want to discuss my inability to spell fine, ill be happy to discuss Bush's inability to pronounce nuclear or his inability to speak in complete sentences!

Well, there are a couple of problems. You are not the president, nor are you running for president. This would be the only reason we would need to compare you with Bush. Secondly, it's not very wise to criticize someone vastly smarter than yourself, about their intelligence. I'm sure Bush is smarter than you, they don't let atrocious spellers into Yale and Harvard or give them MBA's, no matter who their daddy is.

So if you cant pronounce nuclear, can you be expected to understand the complexities of negotiating with North Korea? If your premis is correct, should we not get a more articulate president?

It is 'premise' not 'premis'.

I think he pronounces the word just fine, it's the exact same way Truman pronounced it, and he didn't seem to have a problem understanding the complexities. This is called 'regional dialect' and is common across America, it's not an indicator of intelligence, like spelling or grammar.