There actions dont show confidance.. just there words!

Dix, what's with the spelling nazi stuff?

It's the last refuge of a scoundrel.

We had one on our old board, went by the screename of spider. I'll never forget the day he slammed Ornot on a spelling error, which Ornot makes very few of but Spider after who knows how long of searching his posts, found one and said 'hey moron refugee is spelled refuge' (or whatever the word was) and Ornot, in his absolutely imitable way, said 'you know spider, I do believe you're right, and in all fairness, I should inform you that Spider is spelled hemorrhoid."

Everyone else would tell Spider to go f himself you miserable prick (and he was one), but Ornot took a different route, and even the other righties on the board were cyberly high-fiving him.

But anyway, after that long story, I've always found that it's what people do when they can't dispute someone's point.
Ego, self protection, superiority complex, mainly a huge ego.

Ego? Yes, I have a healthy ego, it's the key to a happy and healthy life.

Self protection? Nope
Superiority complex? Nope...well...yeah, over Alexx, I do feel superior.

Ergo, I concur, it is a huge ego.

....But seriously, I think it makes a huge difference in a message board discussion, with regard to who you are talking to, and their opinions. I'm not saying that you must be an English major or anything, but basic fundamentals of grammar and spelling are...well... elementary.

Let me share a story you'll find interesting. I once thought I had potential writing ability, and I made the mistake of asking an English major to critique my work... What I felt was a fairly well-written piece, came back with 172 errors in 700 words. No spelling errors, but a bunch of grammatical errors, some I didn't even know existed. It was brutal to my ego, but I survived to write again.

I can still get words confused or make typos when I am posting on the fly, I have no beef with that at all, I fully understand how easy it is to make errors. Alexx wants to pretend he is capable of intellectual debate, he just doesn't know how to spell it.
Ego? Yes, I have a healthy ego, it's the key to a happy and healthy life.

Self protection? Nope
Superiority complex? Nope...well...yeah, over Alexx, I do feel superior.

Ergo, I concur, it is a huge ego.

....But seriously, I think it makes a huge difference in a message board discussion, with regard to who you are talking to, and their opinions. I'm not saying that you must be an English major or anything, but basic fundamentals of grammar and spelling are...well... elementary.

Let me share a story you'll find interesting. I once thought I had potential writing ability, and I made the mistake of asking an English major to critique my work... What I felt was a fairly well-written piece, came back with 172 errors in 700 words. No spelling errors, but a bunch of grammatical errors, some I didn't even know existed. It was brutal to my ego, but I survived to write again.

I can still get words confused or make typos when I am posting on the fly, I have no beef with that at all, I fully understand how easy it is to make errors. Alexx wants to pretend he is capable of intellectual debate, he just doesn't know how to spell it.

The bottom line is that you understand exactly the laguage he is trying to portray to you, yet you choose to be a bigger person for having recognized the difference. Carry on.
It's the last refuge of a scoundrel.

We had one on our old board, went by the screename of spider. I'll never forget the day he slammed Ornot on a spelling error, which Ornot makes very few of but Spider after who knows how long of searching his posts, found one and said 'hey moron refugee is spelled refuge' (or whatever the word was) and Ornot, in his absolutely imitable way, said 'you know spider, I do believe you're right, and in all fairness, I should inform you that Spider is spelled hemorrhoid."

Everyone else would tell Spider to go f himself you miserable prick (and he was one), but Ornot took a different route, and even the other righties on the board were cyberly high-fiving him.

But anyway, after that long story, I've always found that it's what people do when they can't dispute someone's point.
LOL! Why, thank you: I'd forgotten that. It was a moment of poetic inspiration. :D

There are people who can't spell worth spit yet who consistently demonstrate an ability to think. The latter is far more important.
LOL! Why, thank you: I'd forgotten that. It was a moment of poetic inspiration. :D

There are people who can't spell worth spit yet who consistently demonstrate an ability to think. The latter is far more important.

It was great. I remember it too, because Sarge thought it was so great, that's when he started to flirt with you and I had to tell him, umm Sarge? Ornot's a guy. lol
Dixie, the point is that Bush is president... he should be more articulate than the rest of us.

Now do you want to discuss the issue or so you still perfer to discuss my spelling?
alex, Bush's intelligence does not matter to some. It is only important to some how his butt looks in blue jeans ;) And that he swings an axe like Regan did.
Funny how my spelling ability is such an issue to someone who does not care that Bush is inarticulate.
Funny how my spelling ability is such an issue to someone who does not care that Bush is inarticulate.

It's even funnier how the presidents articulation is such an issue with someone who doesn't have a clue how to spell 'inarticulate' unless he looks it up. For the record, I am not the least bit concerned with your illiteracy, I just wanted to point out that you look like an idiot when you obviously don't know basic language. I don't care that you look like an idiot, it makes no difference to me at all. Congrats to you though, at least you did go look up 'inarticulate' before you butchered it here, it shows that my point must have been well made.
Bush's inability to artuculate has never been an issue with me. Its always been his incompetance that has been an issue. I cant belive you would attack me, just some guy on a message board, about my spelling, but overlook an inability to articulate in a president.

Now do you want to discuss the issue or more about my spelling...?
The spelling attack is just another sign of Bushie desperation.
Something has gone wrong and it can't be their fault, it has to be those goll darned liberals fault....somehow it just has to be....
The spelling attack is just another sign of Bushie desperation.
Something has gone wrong and it can't be their fault, it has to be those goll darned liberals fault....somehow it just has to be....

Agreed, and now he thinks no one in 1865 thought slaves were eaual to white people.... But the dude sure can spell!
Agreed, and now he thinks no one in 1865 thought slaves were eaual to white people.... But the dude sure can spell!
To be fair, exaggeration for effect is an effective conversational tool. I am sure when he said "nobody" he meant, "few indeed"...
Well now Damo, dixie has gotten to be a real stickler on the meaning of words when he has run himself into a corner before.....