I wonder why lib'ruls always look at MIT where the students are from Shitfuck, WY instead of the Boston public school system......
Wyoming has a whopping 8 students at MIT. Fewer than Kenya.
Meanwhile, MA has about 900.
I wonder why lib'ruls always look at MIT where the students are from Shitfuck, WY instead of the Boston public school system......
no I wouldn't......I already provided the statistics showing less than 16% come from anywhere in New England.....I expect most Harvard professors send their children to very expensive private schools.....
how many of them graduated from the local public school system.....
Wyoming has a whopping 8 students at MIT. Fewer than Kenya.
Meanwhile, MA has about 900.
Irrelevant where they came from, moron. The IQ and entrance requirements are what’s at issue.
Fuck, no wonder your alma mater no longer exists.
In 2022–2023, MIT students come from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and 135 foreign countries.
I wonder how many graduated from a Boston public school.....LOL
Wyoming has a whopping 8 students at MIT. Fewer than Kenya.
Meanwhile, MA has about 900.
Mature ecosystems in nature are those that have achieved greater complexity, stability and
balance over time (E.P. Odum 1969); (Margalef 1958). This means that the components are
interrelated in a harmonious and complementary way, so that it is possible to maintain the vitality of
the system with sufficient use of energy and resources. Thus, the system remains dynamic, but in
equilibrium, nothing is in excess and nothing is lacking. To achieve this balance, the community of
species and organisms have had to generate their own adaptive mechanisms to survive and evolve
over time, building their resilience. The evolution of human settlements is not exempt from this
process. Cities and towns have also had to acquire response mechanisms to the various events that
have transgressed and forced them to adapt over time....
...Spatial planning and development in the 21st century requires a more dynamic vision of
productive processes, urban structure and the provision of services and infrastructure. The experience
of the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has marked a turning point in the way territories
are managed. The viability of new business models and delocalised lifestyles has made it possible to
rethink the dichotomy between rural and urban worlds that has existed since the industrial revolution.
Undoubtedly, we are experiencing the transition from post-carbon cities to the paradigm of postCOVID territories and this document seeks to highlight the importance of incorporating symbiosis as a
variable of adaptation and territorial resilience. Post-COVID territories present a new vision for
encouraging sustainable transition roadmaps, where digitalisation and knowledge and skills transfer
enables a new well-being framework built upon sustainability, inclusiveness and co-responsibility.
Businesses, urban planning and social interactions will need to adapt by strengthening
actually I agree.....which its why its stupid to claim Massachussets is smarter because MIT is there when MIT students come from all 50 states.
MA has 900 students at MIT.
Know what other institutions are in MA?
Boston College
Boston University
You’re pissing up a tree when you think, like your idiot friend Yak from post #4, that red areas are superior to blue when it comes to intelligence and education. It also goes for other social investments like public health.
Not a big priority for conservatives. And it shows.
It's a matter of population density. Total numbers are minor in comparison to rate. Still, the NE states can all legitimately claim to be better educated than the poor African-Americans and Hispanics in the South but it makes their screams for "equality" moot. They like to feel superior. LOL
More arrogant assholes = more first class universities?The people I have met from New England have, in general, been arrogant assholes. However, the numbers of first class universities speak for themselves.
The politically reddest areas in America are in areas that have more cows and swine than people
MA has 900 students at MIT.
Know what other institutions are in MA?
Boston College
Boston University
You’re pissing up a tree when you think, like your idiot friend Yak from post #4, that red areas are superior to blue when it comes to intelligence and education. It also goes for other social investments like public health.
Not a big priority for conservatives. And it shows.
American farmers receive a huge amount of government money, far more than welfare recipients. And they make up about 1% of the population. A lot of the other people who live in rural areas are completely dependent on government money.
It is a simple fact that Democrats live on highly productive land, and Republicans live on cheap, low productive land. They are not productive people, so are happy to live on cheap land.
Quote Originally Posted by Walt View Post
It is a simple fact that Democrats live on highly productive land, and Republicans live on cheap, low productive land. They are not productive people, so are happy to live on cheap land.
only because the value of food is suppressed.
you city people are stupid with stupid values that make you dumb.
we should let you folks live on the food grown in NYC......
Singapore has no massive interior to their country, and yet they do not starve to death... In fact, they prosper.
Man, I am an Old Fart! I have been around since the early 50's. My roots go back to the Country, as my grandparents were born into Cotton Farming and I can remember we were once Country folk and we lived in what was once considered Country land. But what was once Country land ended up becoming Urban, as the city of Dallas grew around us, and ended up becoming a Huge Urban Center known as DFW that incorporates Both Dallas and Tarrant Counties.
I watched my own family go through political changes over the years as well. Both sides of my family were what was once referred to as Conservative Democrats. That term tended to just disappear during the LBJ years altogether, and we ended up as just being called Democrats, and my entire family has always voted Democratic ever since, even though we all have Country roots, and I grew up on what was basically a Horse Ranch here in Dallas County very near the Mesquite Championship Rodeo. Yep, I was pretty much raised in a Barn- A horse barn- because I spent so much time with the horses, pigs, and chickens on the Old Spread!
But Big City life caught up to us, and when I graduated High School, the jobs were Downtown. So I hit the Yellow Brick road and never looked back.
I realized I was a city slicker now, whether I wanted to be one or not. It was an integrated work force there in the City, and I had to adapt to it, as I had never known many minorities in my entire youth.
I grew from this experience, and before long I had many minority friends and associates to go along with my many White friends and associates.
But after getting married, my in-laws were all from the Country and smaller Country towns, and I noticed that we were way different in our politics.
I suppose I married into a bunch of Red Necks that hated minorities, but I was never fully comfortable around them, as they never seemed to refrain from using the N-word, and seemed to always be talking politics, and their politics seemed to always be about race and hatefulness towards minorities and people like me, who seemed to like them and defend them as human beings.
SO I think the Demographics have a lot to do with attitude, White Nationalism, and Evangelism, and how you were raised.
City people and Country people are very different. BUT IT HAS TO DO WITH RACE! We tend to have racial divides.
City people tend to be tolerant and adaptive to the Melting Pot theory, and Country folk tend to be just the opposite.
fucking bullshit.
all made up.