There I was


Willin to be Chillin
There I was...

This is a thread where you can share stories about your life. Doesn't have to be revealing, use allegory. Doesnt matter, share what you will.
There I was

A young boy visiting his grandmother for the first time in NYC. My dad is with me, it is his mother of course, and I'm afraid of the subway that we have to take to see her.

You see, I was from Cali and at the time there were no subways.

He gently edged me onto the subway and we were whisked away. My life opened a bit more when we're emerged above ground many miles away

And there I was
There I was at Bdubs when I said....what the hell...and I ate an order of Blaizing Wings (350,000 SKU). Last time I tried it I made it through 2.5 wings....this time...I killed all fucking 6 of them!

The next day....well....there I was.

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I think many here have... And there I was stories, would be cool to read

Another time was when I was at summer camp and there was this 20 foot jump into the river (pool) 25 foot jump and I nearly shat myself at 20. Japanese guy from an exchange program does the 50

And there I was
Would be cool to hear from people like Grind, Billy, Damocles, Jade, 3d, PMP, Christiefan, Tom, etc....

Nothing too personal, just a cool story about that moment or moments
And for those that don't know, this idea came to me from Jeff Goldblum and he said

Well... There it is
Thank you PMP. You are such a kind person, especially since you claim I introduced you to JPP.
There I was...

This is a thread where you can share stories about your life. Doesn't have to be revealing, use allegory. Doesnt matter, share what you will.
You mean things that actually happened...right?:)
Two kids, one of my best friends, sat down in front of me. They didn't know I was behind them.

They began to talk how they didn't like me anymore, and how I should be killed. The best option was to dig a giant hole, put spiked sticks at the bottom and ones kid brother had a snake that could possibly bite me. They were to cover the hole with leaves and sticks, and have me walk over it.

There I was, a 6 year old on my school bus.

Fuck you brian
Another time I was 6/7

All the girls were going to "chase" me and my friends at recess. I don't know how this thing came about. Like they were going to "get" us or something. All my friends knew it was coming we could see the girls planning in the lunchroom.

Recess starts, they start playfully chasing us, I tell the teacher, she blows the whistle, entire girl chasing contingent evaporates dejected. I think I am victorious, proud of how I pulled off such a decimating blow. I come to find out though my friends are less than please. Instead, they think I am a little bitch for tattling to the teacher. I also ruined our first interaction with the opposite sex, even though they had cooties.
Two kids, one of my best friends, sat down in front of me. They didn't know I was behind them.

They began to talk how they didn't like me anymore, and how I should be killed. The best option was to dig a giant hole, put spiked sticks at the bottom and ones kid brother had a snake that could possibly bite me. They were to cover the hole with leaves and sticks, and have me walk over it.

There I was, a 6 year old on my school bus.

Fuck you brian
Man dude...I just had one like that happen to me. A colleague of mine just earned her professional credential. She posted on face book how proud she was as it was the hardest test she ever took. Another colleague, probably unaware that we were friends on FB said “Good for you. You should tell Hoople to go shove it.” She replied “I think I will”. To her credit she apologized to me the next day at work.

Fuck you Steve.
Another time I was 6/7

All the girls were going to "chase" me and my friends at recess. I don't know how this thing came about. Like they were going to "get" us or something. All my friends knew it was coming we could see the girls planning in the lunchroom.

Recess starts, they start playfully chasing us, I tell the teacher, she blows the whistle, entire girl chasing contingent evaporates dejected. I think I am victorious, proud of how I pulled off such a decimating blow. I come to find out though my friends are less than please. Instead, they think I am a little bitch for tattling to the teacher. I also ruined our first interaction with the opposite sex, even though they had cooties.

Right on bro. Nothing worse than girls with cooties.
My kindergarten teacher was in her late 20's, either half or whole Native American. Not Lizzy Whitebread Native but the real thing: long, smooth black hair, wide dark eyes, olive complexion, tall and slender. I had the hots for her so bad.
Thank you PMP. You are such a kind person, especially since you claim I introduced you to JPP.

there I was........posting somewhere else......I said, there aren't enough stupid lib'ruls to make fun of here.......Yurt says, "come to JPP......there are lots of stupid lib'ruls there".......