You think the law fare against Trump was imaginary? The Russian hoax was imaginary? Crimes were committed against this man by the highest reaches of our government. Seeking justice is not retribution. That is your side playing fast and loose with the language.
Comey belongs in prison. Obama belongs in prison. Hillary belongs in prison. McCabe belongs in prison. Brennan belongs in prison. The list goes on.
Justice isn't retribution. Crimes were committed against Trump. Of that there is no doubt. FISA courts were lied to in order to illegally wiretap his conversations.
As I have said previously, Trump is arguably the most honest person in politics. How do I know? If there were REAL criimes they he committed, they would be out. If he were really on Epstein Island, it would be out and they wouldn't care who they took down with him. He is the most investigated politician in history and those are the things we know. I am sure that they have combed over everything.
The only bullshit conviction was something where the had to change the law, violate statute of limitations, inhibit his ability to defend himself, try him in a front of a hostile jury and for a crime that NOBODY was ever indicted for in the history of New York and no harm came to ANYONE.
That is the very definition of law fare and you know it.
And no, you are very unhappy, I can tell by your posts. They ooze misery. It is ok though, the sooner you face it, the sooner you can move on