There is No Biden Administration

Biden’s old boss could have tried to dominate the administration, but he despised Biden too much to come on board until the very last second.

Obama’s own chosen candidates, including a hilarious failure by Deval Patrick, crashed and burned, giving him very little clout.

The Far Left coalesced around Bernie and no one is giving Obama any credit for swinging the election.

That role instead went to Stacey Abrams.

Whew, now there's a whopper of a yarn, can just picture "copy and paste" siting around the cracker barrel with a couple of good ole boys spinning that one
Sure there is, it's the "deep state," Soros is funding it, you aren't keeping up on your right wing bogeymen

Heard that one for Years now, and yet all the research I have done comes up with nothing but a couple of right-wing conspiracy theory sites, my research Must be flawed......
He has spouted this nonsense for a while, just pat him on the back and say There, There, I Understand and they calm down....for a while.
The "Biden administration" was built out of the wreckage of the Harris and Sanders campaigns, but staffers and appointees are only loyal to whoever can get them their next job.

That’s not Biden, who can’t name his own Secretary of Defense. It’s the think tanks and non-profits who built the Obama administration and the current regime.
Whew, now there's a whopper of a yarn, can just picture "copy and paste" siting around the cracker barrel with a couple of good ole boys spinning that one

Beginning to thinks some of the regulars here are losing it, well then again they did LOSE so we have to give them time to go through the stages of grief, think some are stuck on Denial.
Even relatively low IQ people should at this point be able to figure out that there is no way to explain what is happening other than the existence of a 1960's style left revolution run in secret. This would have never happened without the internet and BIG TECH, the back rooms where the deals are done, where everything that matters happens, are virtual now.

Got it, a tech "deep state," now are Strzok, Page, and Vindman operating over there now?
The "Biden administration" was built out of the wreckage of the Harris and Sanders campaigns, but staffers and appointees are only loyal to whoever can get them their next job.

That’s not Biden, who can’t name his own Secretary of Defense. It’s the think tanks and non-profits who built the Obama administration and the current regime.

And Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my
Bon-profits and think tanks can’t actually run a government.

Neither can Biden.

That’s why there isn’t a "Biden administration".

There’s an ongoing Netroots conference on government property.

That’s why Jen Psaki can’t answer questions.

The press secretary is supposed to speak for the White House, but there’s no one to speak for.

Like a plane with no airport, she keeps circling back because there’s no administration.
Bon-profits and think tanks can’t actually run a government.

Neither can Biden.

That’s why there isn’t a "Biden administration".

There’s an ongoing Netroots conference on government property.

That’s why Jen Psaki can’t answer questions.

The press secretary is supposed to speak for the White House, but there’s no one to speak for.

Like a plane with no airport, she keeps circling back because there’s no administration.

There is but it is a lot like my Homeowners Association, its only purpose now is to provide a legal framework for VIS Management and its "approved contractors" to take almost every dollar of the money we send in. The Administration is nothing but a front for the Soviet Style committees that now run America in secret.
In this clip, around the 26 minute mark, the top of Biden’s empty skull artifacts so much the Lugenpresse had to weigh in on the topic. They labeled it a “technical glitch.”

You'll notice the people he "greets" are acting like they can't tell whether he's there or not.
There is but it is a lot like my Homeowners Association, its only purpose now is to provide a legal framework for VIS Management and its "approved contractors" to take almost every dollar of the money we send in. The Administration is nothing but a front for the Soviet Style committees that now run America in secret.

In secret?
In secret?

Think about how Soros operates, and know that he is just one of many. You are allowed see only what those in power allow you to see, which is always well thought out, the intent is always to drive power for the Revolution. Everything that matters now happens outside of your view and knowledge.
Quid can't be taken out unless Congressional Republicans go along with it. I think they would force Dems to formally keep him in office rather than let Harris step in.
Think about how Soros operates, and know that he is just one of many. You are allowed see only what those in power allow you to see, which is always well thought out, the intent is always to drive power for the Revolution. Everything that matters now happens outside of your view and knowledge.

Soros? Are you that nuts? You have conspiracies to spare. How many do you have?. You sure come up with them often enough. And you think it shows how intelligent you are. What a joke. Soros is a 90 year old man living in Hungary and you think he is involved with your daily craziness?
Soros? Are you that nuts? You have conspiracies to spare. How many do you have?. You sure come up with them often enough. And you think it shows how intelligent you are. What a joke. Soros is a 90 year old man living in Hungary and you think he is involved with your daily craziness?

He did manage to fund some worthless DA's who campaigned on the platform of not prosecuting people.
Is it? So if the GOP runs Congress things will happen that wouldn't happen with Dems in charge?

Am I misunderstanding what you've just said?

Well, this isn't exactly policy. My point is that the parties are still perfectly capable of grandstanding over one another's leadership.