There is No White Privilege. But There Is BLACK Privilege

Nice attempt at diversion from your incorrect statement, boy. I didn't expect a BOY like you to admit you can't follow along.

At least you are honest and forthcoming about your overt racism. Most racists here try, unsuccessfully, to hide it.
At least you are honest and forthcoming about your overt racism. Most racists here try, unsuccessfully, to hide it.

Most of your kind try to hide what you are but you're so good at being the house negro, you can't. It comes natural. Was you baby mama one, too? I'd ask if your baby daddy was but I doubt you know who he is. I doubt your baby mama knows either. She could be on the Maury show entitled Who is my child's baby daddy.
Most of your kind try to hide what you are but you're so good at being the house negro, you can't. It comes natural. Was you baby mama one, too? I'd ask if your baby daddy was but I doubt you know who he is. I doubt your baby mama knows either. She could be on the Maury show entitled Who is my child's baby daddy.

Again, thank you for being so open about your racism.
Didn't make one, retard. That you can't pay attention is more prove you rode the "cshortbbus" to school.

Are you excusing your typo or are you actually a grammatical tard? 'C's placed in between the letters is an obvious typo. Yours? Most likely not, as your grammar elsewhere demonstrates your general ignorance.
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Are you excusing your typo or are you actually a grammatical tard? 'C's placed in between the letters is an obvious typo. Yours? Most likely not, as your grammar elsewhere demonstrates your general ignorance.

Then what is "bbus" for, Dude?

Are you this slow in real life or do you just do it for attention on this forum?

What's the matter, Dude?
Did I type to fast for you or were the words in my question too big for you??
I've been waiting for the opportunity to use that one - :D
What's the matter, Dude?
Did I type to fast for you or were the words in my question too big for you??
I've been waiting for the opportunity to use that one - :D
Why can't you be more open about your racism like your racist good buddy CFM.
You always feel you need to try and hide your racism in a cloak of snide douchebaggery.
You fool no one.
Poor victim! My heart bleeds peanut butter for you! Sad old white man, forgotten and demented, it breaks my heart! there any other bigotry you forgot, pond scum ?

And you're a moderator huh ? smiley_ROFLMAO.gif laughing.jpg

Get a job cleaning toilets, trashbag. slap.gif
Are you excusing your typo or are you actually a grammatical tard? 'C's placed in between the letters is an obvious typo. Yours? Most likely not, as your grammar elsewhere demonstrates your general ignorance.

I didn't say it wasn't a typo. I said when it was identified you came up with an EXCUSE why it wasn't your fault. You blamed your phone.