"There's Another Definition of Slavery ..." ~ Sarah Palin...slave expert


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid

Sarah Palin explaining how she is a slave because of the debt. Yea, that's pretty weird how not paying for what you are spending catches up to you. It's even more weird that Republicans/Other Right don't notice that they are still doing it.

These "taker States" (and Presidents)is the real reason behind the debt. Buying votes by saying your are "Conservative" then spending the same or more.

This link shows the Federal of spending according to every "dollar" they ask for. As it turns out Gary Johnsons state is the biggest taker and Sarah Palin's state is #3 on the taker list. Chris Christie is only spending 62 cents of the dollar that he asks for federally...

The Right could go with the "Well I simply don't want to pay for what they spend" argument but they aren't even that smart today. Today they pretend they don't spend the money. A wise Right Winger would openly make the people pay for programs they voted for and if the people got mad about it, the Governor could show where that expense is coming from, maybe be able to say "See, it was the expense of the last guy" Of course today we have issues with parties and want to blame every passed over expense on the next person like Obama. We as a society can't seem to disect the source of the spending. It's still the "Obamaphone" lol.

Wise up people.
i think nailin pailin is finding communist idea of class warfare working two ways

I do not think this is super successful but it is quiet insightful and maybe saves her party face?

u go girl! <:@)
Palin is not very bright but she sure knows how to sell what even stupider people than her like to buy.

the right in this country just keeps embrassing its self beyond belief

I was curious why the list being used dated from 2005.....obviously it would vary from year to year......in researching I discovered two things.....the source of the above table, a Census Bureau agency tasked with reporting on federal spending was apparently eliminated in 2010 by an administration concerned about cutting unnecessary federal spending.....

however a new source is available....which paints a different picture....
http://usaspending.gov/explore (click the "By Location" button)......

apparently, in 2013, of the top ten takers the majority of recipients of federal dollars were blue states .....


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Looks like the liberals got their feelings hurt when Palin compared debt with slavery. Too bad they did not feel the same way when they have compared Republicans to Nazi's or Tea Party members to Nazi's or terrorists as well.

China is a biggest single holder of Treasury debt, owning $1.268 trillion as of August of this year. Japan is close behind China, holding $1.149 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities.

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I was curious why the list being used dated from 2005.....obviously it would vary from year to year......in researching I discovered two things.....the source of the above table, a Census Bureau agency tasked with reporting on federal spending was apparently eliminated in 2010 by an administration concerned about cutting unnecessary federal spending.....

however a new source is available....which paints a different picture....
http://usaspending.gov/explore (click the "By Location" button)......

apparently, in 2013, of the top ten takers the majority of recipients of federal dollars were blue states .....

where on that page does it even say what you claim?
look assminer,

the people running the McCain campaign said themselves that "she knows nothing" after interviewing her post McCain picking her.

She is to this day trafficking in known lies.

Only a fact adverse brain dead idiot like you would hold her on high.

you worship stupidity