"There's Another Definition of Slavery ..." ~ Sarah Palin...slave expert

i'm not a Palin political supporter but I know just how much more conservative valued women are hated by Jersey Shore feminists like you with this stupid mantra you always like throwing on all of them and not just Palin.

If Palin is so stupid, how come she's got more money than you'll ever see in your vile mouthed miserable life by the way?
26 views and no response. Typical. If you can't google it, you can't debate me.

I'm curious; you cut and paste from two leftist blog sites and claim these are your own arguments?

The reason no one is responding is because this is not the first time such moronic memes have been refuted. After a while, people just ignore lefttards like you rather than re-engage in a never ending circle of stupidity.

Your post is nothing more than a confused pile of leftist bile. It attempts to blame Democratic Party members propensity to tax and spend on people who have nothing to do with those decisions. It is not merely stupid, but profoundly disingenuous and partisan in nature. This type of argumentation is as absurd as Obama blaming insurance companies for the failures of ACA to live up to his false promises.

Yes Anti-Thinker; you really are THAT incredibly stupid and THAT hyper partisan repugnant.
Palin is not very bright but she sure knows how to sell what even stupider people than her like to buy.

the right in this country just keeps embrassing its self beyond belief

Mayor, governor, VP candidate and author.....wtf did you ever do ? (imitating Monica Lowinshy don't count)
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(imitating Monica Lowinsky don't count)

This obviously applies to you also, semen breathe

Wow. Laughing stock???? Hardly. The only ones laughing are Neanderthalic cretins, who are stuck in the Stone Age with their antiquated mindsets.
Joke? Identify the joke. I come from an informed perspective.
Bimbo???? Only women are bimbos. And Palin has used "come on" and her sexuality (i.e. "sexy librarian") for political gain.
Semen breathe??? Did you mean "breath"????? You dumbfuck. Shall I call you "Tuna Breath"??????? Muff Diver? Felcher?
Don't go there with me. You're out of your league. And learn to spell and correct word usage.
I was curious why the list being used dated from 2005.....obviously it would vary from year to year......in researching I discovered two things.....the source of the above table, a Census Bureau agency tasked with reporting on federal spending was apparently eliminated in 2010 by an administration concerned about cutting unnecessary federal spending.....

however a new source is available....which paints a different picture....
http://usaspending.gov/explore (click the "By Location" button)......

apparently, in 2013, of the top ten takers the majority of recipients of federal dollars were blue states .....

You again don't seem to know the difference between taxation and spending. You think that because a red state spends less they should be able to tax even less than they spend.

It doesn't matter what you spend, the expense BASED ON THE 1$ is the same.

If you are a taker state, you are a taker state.
Looks like the liberals got their feelings hurt when Palin compared debt with slavery. Too bad they did not feel the same way when they have compared Republicans to Nazi's or Tea Party members to Nazi's or terrorists as well.

China is a biggest single holder of Treasury debt, owning $1.268 trillion as of August of this year. Japan is close behind China, holding $1.149 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities.

Here is a simple minded person that doesn't know what programs Obama added to cause the debt vs what Obama was HANDED to cause the debt. This moron probably still thinks it's called the "Obamaphone" even though it and most bailouts started under Bush.

And now that I mentioned Bush they will try the Blitz move, "YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT BUSH! YOU CAN'T! HE'S GONE!" Even when the programs he started.........are very well still around and we are paying for.

I agree that Obama is a Corporate tool, but to put Bush on "base, he's on base" while scolding Obama for the expenses of Bush is basic political ignorance.
When you wake up tomorrow morning, you'll actually be a little more dumber than you are right now.

You're in no position to call any woman stupid.

You were actually just educated by a woman. You just set the men back further than the women when it should have been equal......Idiot.
I'll challenge ANY RIGHT WINGER to produce a graph or statistic that challenges the one we stated that exposed Right Wing states as TAKER STATES.

You can't just rely on "you are stupid" your whole life kiddos.

(Conservatives should actually care about this topic........how pathetic can it get?)
You again don't seem to know the difference between taxation and spending. You think that because a red state spends less they should be able to tax even less than they spend.

It doesn't matter what you spend, the expense BASED ON THE 1$ is the same.

If you are a taker state, you are a taker state.

a very confusing post......we aren't talking about what states tax or spend.....we're talking about what the federal government taxes or spends......and I don't think either should tax less than they spend......I think they should spend less because the taxes are too much......unlike most liberals, I DO think it matters what you spend.......I haven't the slightest idea what "the expense based on the $1 is the same" was intended to communicate......whatever it was, it didn't........

"if you are a taker state, you are a taker state" was more obvious, and I agree.....I was just seeking a more updated look at who the taker states are in an Obama administration......
I'll challenge ANY RIGHT WINGER to produce a graph or statistic that challenges the one we stated that exposed Right Wing states as TAKER STATES.

You can't just rely on "you are stupid" your whole life kiddos.

(Conservatives should actually care about this topic........how pathetic can it get?)

and I challenge you to recognize that the last five years have changed everything except your argument.....

you want a program that Obama started that wasn't handed to him by Bush?.......how about taking over an auto industry and gifting it to a union.......how about demolishing the American health care industry.........how about a trillion dollar stimulus plan that didn't stimulate......tell me this, can you think of something that Obama did that HASN'T been a total and expensive failure?......
i'm not a Palin political supporter but I know just how much more conservative valued women are hated by Jersey Shore feminists like you with this stupid mantra you always like throwing on all of them and not just Palin.

If Palin is so stupid, how come she's got more money than you'll ever see in your vile mouthed miserable life by the way?

dear fucking idiot,

the Jersey shore people were right wing.

what you hate in them is yourself.

fuck you for thinking I need to behave a certain way because I have an inny and not an outy.

You control no one dickbite so shut the fuck up with your silly orders
now as for your right wing policy causing states you control to be poor..............When the fuck will you clones figure out your historically failed ideas just keep failing in practice?
i think nailin pailin is finding communist idea of class warfare working two ways

I do not think this is super successful but it is quiet insightful and maybe saves her party face?

u go girl! <:@)

I think you mean failin' Palin. She screws up everything she touches.
I was curious why the list being used dated from 2005.....obviously it would vary from year to year......in researching I discovered two things.....the source of the above table, a Census Bureau agency tasked with reporting on federal spending was apparently eliminated in 2010 by an administration concerned about cutting unnecessary federal spending.....

however a new source is available....which paints a different picture....
http://usaspending.gov/explore (click the "By Location" button)......

apparently, in 2013, of the top ten takers the majority of recipients of federal dollars were blue states .....

It's not surprising the majority of dollars would go to the states with highest population. I'd rather look at percentages.