There’s nothing new about the Democratic disinformation machine

Truth Detector

Well-known member
When Democrats and their media enablers whine about disinformation, you know they are doing it themselves.

There’s nothing new about the Democratic disinformation machine

When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Democrats suddenly discovered “disinformation.” They had shown zero interest in it previously. In a fateful choice, President Barack Obama in late 2015 shuttered the only office in the entire U.S. government that was dedicated to combating Russian disinformation, a move that has never been explained.

Democrats made up for lost time with obsessive enthusiasm. A whole new, lavishly funded industry arose to fight disinformation, as defined by Democrats. Nearly all these “experts” were making it up, and many had an obvious partisan agenda. The “disinformation” sector has a pronounced left-wing bias and functions as an adjunct to the Democratic Party. To someone like me, who has been debunking Kremlin disinformation professionally since the 1990s, this cynical exploitation of a real national security problem was disappointing but hardly unexpected.

The “disinformation” industry’s close relationship with the Democrats mirrors how much of the media industry works (there’s considerable overlap in personnel, with a revolving door between Democrats, the media, and lucrative “disinformation” gigs). As last week’s disastrous debate revealed, President Joe Biden is an unwell old man in decline who can’t speak in complete sentences without a teleprompter.

But that’s not the real scandal. The real scandal is that while Biden has been declining throughout his presidency, the press never told us as much. It’s not that they didn’t know. Journalists have heard the same stories that many people around Washington, D.C., have heard since 2021. Whispers that Biden had dementia of some kind and could only function for a few hours per day have been circulating for years. It was obvious that Biden had trouble walking while he had been spending every weekend at his Delaware beach house. The presidency hasn’t been a full-time job for Biden.

Evidence mounted that Biden was unfit for his weighty office, but far too many in the media simply refused to dig into it. Worse, many in the media functioned as a Democratic Party adjunct by amplifying increasingly desperate White House efforts to deny Biden’s condition. Clear footage of Biden barely able to walk was derided as a “cheap fake.” Republican-aligned media reports about the president’s ill health were dismissed by the White House with energetic media assistance. That mask fell permanently last Thursday.

Let’s be clear: This was a disinformation scheme, engineered by the White House and executed by a pliant media. It follows a consistent pattern, what I call “the media three-step.” First, media outlets refuse to report a significant story that looks bad for Democrats (including active suppression by “fact-checkers”). Then the story is reported by non-mainstream sources since the press won’t do its job. Last, the media industry justifies its cover-up because only “the fringe” is discussing the issue.

If this sounds familiar, it should. This was the same play run to suppress Hunter Biden’s embarrassing laptop on the eve of the 2020 election. That was an unusually aggressive operation, including shameful collusion by retired senior spies with assistance from Big Tech to crush public discussion of that laptop and its unpleasant contents. In time, the laptop was verified as real, including by the FBI, but by then, Joe Biden was in the White House.

Democratic disinformation operations didn’t start in 2020, either. While they’ve gotten more shameless over time, they’re nothing new. I first encountered them in the 1990s in the Balkans, when the internet was just getting started. The Bosnian War of 1992-1995 demonstrated the power of advocacy journalism when pushed by media stars, most prominently CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. Amanpour got close to President Bill Clinton’s administration (she married Jamie Rubin, who was Clinton’s State Department spokesman — in fact, they met in Bosnia), and she led the media effort to portray a complex ethnic conflict in simplistic, good-versus-evil terms.

In this telling, which was broadcast 24/7 for years, Bosnia’s Muslims were innocent victims while Bosnian Serbs were sinister criminals, no better than Nazis. This cartoonish oversimplification allowed the press to ignore and suppress important stories that didn’t align with their desired narrative. I was so incensed by this grand deception that I eventually published a whistleblowing book about the ugly realities of Bosnia’s fratricide.
Shocker, another MAGA conspiracy, where would they be without their existential threats to feed the lemmings. Such as the Examiner amongst others would go out of business

Even worked in the laptop, the supposed suppression of the laptop, the laptop that might have surpassed the infamous Steele Dossier plus Strzok/Page texts as the source of conspiracies

Actually humorous, we were told Rudi found the President’s son’s laptop that he just happened to drop off at some obscure repair shop and never returned to pick it up. The only source or access of what was on that laptop that Rudi discovered was Rudi himself, which he eagerly supplied to Fox, and the MAGA question and even concocted a whole conspiracy on why everyone ignored it

They always bring a laugh with them
Shocker, another MAGA conspiracy, where would they be without their existential threats to feed the lemmings. Such as the Examiner amongst others would go out of business

Even worked in the laptop, the supposed suppression of the laptop, the laptop that might have surpassed the infamous Steele Dossier plus Strzok/Page texts as the source of conspiracies

Actually humorous, we were told Rudi found the President’s son’s laptop that he just happened to drop off at some obscure repair shop and never returned to pick it up. The only source or access of what was on that laptop that Rudi discovered was Rudi himself, which he eagerly supplied to Fox, and the MAGA question and even concocted a whole conspiracy on why everyone ignored it

They always bring a laugh with them
Are you really claiming the Steele Dossier is accurate and that Bagman's laptop isn't the real deal? Is that really what you are claiming?
Are you really claiming the Steele Dossier is accurate and that Bagman's laptop isn't the real deal? Is that really what you are claiming?
No, just laughing at the grand conspiracies MAGA concocts from the most circumstantial of evidence

The Strzok/Page was the best, from over 5,000+ texts between two low level individuals, MAGA and their media pulled slightly over a dozen phrases, some short as two words, and created a ominous plot to stop Trump
Shocker, another MAGA conspiracy, where would they be without their existential threats to feed the lemmings. Such as the Examiner amongst others would go out of business

How is this a conspiracy? Be specific.

Even worked in the laptop, the supposed suppression of the laptop, the laptop that might have surpassed the infamous Steele Dossier plus Strzok/Page texts as the source of conspiracies

It's not a "supposed" laptop. The FBI has confirmed it and verified the contents dipshit.
It's not "might have suppressed" it. The evidence is documented you dipshit.

The Steele Dossier has been confirmed to have been created by the Hillary campaign you silly dipshit.

Actually humorous, we were told Rudi found the President’s son’s laptop that he just happened to drop off at some obscure repair shop and never returned to pick it up. The only source or access of what was on that laptop that Rudi discovered was Rudi himself, which he eagerly supplied to Fox, and the MAGA question and even concocted a whole conspiracy on why everyone ignored it

They always bring a laugh with them

:lolup: This is the definition of stupid, ignorant and patently dishonest. :palm:
No, just laughing at the grand conspiracies MAGA concocts from the most circumstantial of evidence

The Strzok/Page was the best, from over 5,000+ texts between two low level individuals, MAGA and their media pulled slightly over a dozen phrases, some short as two words, and created a ominous plot to stop Trump
:lolup: Moron doesn't know that these are factual instances and not conspiracies. Arsecheese is the perfect example as to why one cannot argue with an idiot. :palm:
No, just laughing at the grand conspiracies MAGA concocts from the most circumstantial of evidence

The Strzok/Page was the best, from over 5,000+ texts between two low level individuals, MAGA and their media pulled slightly over a dozen phrases, some short as two words, and created a ominous plot to stop Trump
Strzok / Page were mid-level FBI agents in the DC office, not "low level individuals." They handed special cases, and in their texts colluded to hide and manufacture evidence in a way to be harmful to the Trump campaign on a national level. The openly bragged about doing it too. Included in their bragging was an "ominous plot to stop Trump," they said so.
Strzok / Page were mid-level FBI agents in the DC office, not "low level individuals." They handed special cases, and in their texts colluded to hide and manufacture evidence in a way to be harmful to the Trump campaign on a national level. The openly bragged about doing it too. Included in their bragging was an "ominous plot to stop Trump," they said so.
Correct. Stunning how these low IQ leftists think they can lie with impunity.
Correct. Stunning how these low IQ leftists think they can lie with impunity.
For the Left...

When Democrats and their media enablers whine about disinformation, you know they are doing it themselves.

There’s nothing new about the Democratic disinformation machine

When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Democrats suddenly discovered “disinformation.” They had shown zero interest in it previously. In a fateful choice, President Barack Obama in late 2015 shuttered the only office in the entire U.S. government that was dedicated to combating Russian disinformation, a move that has never been explained.

Democrats made up for lost time with obsessive enthusiasm. A whole new, lavishly funded industry arose to fight disinformation, as defined by Democrats. Nearly all these “experts” were making it up, and many had an obvious partisan agenda. The “disinformation” sector has a pronounced left-wing bias and functions as an adjunct to the Democratic Party. To someone like me, who has been debunking Kremlin disinformation professionally since the 1990s, this cynical exploitation of a real national security problem was disappointing but hardly unexpected.

The “disinformation” industry’s close relationship with the Democrats mirrors how much of the media industry works (there’s considerable overlap in personnel, with a revolving door between Democrats, the media, and lucrative “disinformation” gigs). As last week’s disastrous debate revealed, President Joe Biden is an unwell old man in decline who can’t speak in complete sentences without a teleprompter.

But that’s not the real scandal. The real scandal is that while Biden has been declining throughout his presidency, the press never told us as much. It’s not that they didn’t know. Journalists have heard the same stories that many people around Washington, D.C., have heard since 2021. Whispers that Biden had dementia of some kind and could only function for a few hours per day have been circulating for years. It was obvious that Biden had trouble walking while he had been spending every weekend at his Delaware beach house. The presidency hasn’t been a full-time job for Biden.

Evidence mounted that Biden was unfit for his weighty office, but far too many in the media simply refused to dig into it. Worse, many in the media functioned as a Democratic Party adjunct by amplifying increasingly desperate White House efforts to deny Biden’s condition. Clear footage of Biden barely able to walk was derided as a “cheap fake.” Republican-aligned media reports about the president’s ill health were dismissed by the White House with energetic media assistance. That mask fell permanently last Thursday.

Whatever the left accuses other people of you can rest assure they are twice as quilty of it themselves
Total and complete panic on the left has set in.

See this BS post,

Total and complete panic on the left has set in.

See this BS post,

The douchebag posting that lie filled drivel is a walking talking disinformation demagogue.
Truth Detector has the lowest IQ of any other poster here in the forum!

TRUMPTARDS are not very smart. In fact, they are the stupidest people on the planet!

All they are, are convenient idiots for Donald Trump!
More projection from a mental case lacking in any intelligence and who is woefully pathetic and stupid. :palm:
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" argument! Memories...
WHAT ARE YOU? Now that you mentioned it!

If you think for one minute that TRUTH DEFLECTOR is an asset to this forum, or in any way a positive force here, YOU MAY WANT TO TAKE A POLL from your member base.

I credit him for personally turning your forum into a cesspool!

And if you prefer his opinions over mine- THEN GO AHEAD AND BAN ME FROM YOUR FORUM- and announce the reasons for it to the other members!

I dare you!
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