these charts will blow cac party away

the far right hates them because they are brown.

please don't deny this fact.

Some on the far right don't want any immigrants coming into the U.S. even if they are white Europeans. Some on the left don't want H2B visas increased which would allow more minorities from all over the world to come here.

I gave my opinion on what I support for immigration reform.
there is a very definite right wing base that is racially motivated.

there long has been.
Not all are racists.

but at least 30%
It's something about giving citizenship to those who came here illegally I struggle with (not that my opinion really matters) but I would be all for giving them work visas that allow them to stay in the country. For those who came here legally and overstayed their visa's I'm ok with offering a path to citizenship. Maybe that's completely hypocritical on my part but the fact that they came here legally originally is the difference to me.

And something must be done about the experiences you described above with the H2B visas. That's just crazy.

Bolded part I totally understand. The criteria would need to be pretty strict for them to apply for citizenship; but legal work visas seem like something we can do. And even for those who came here illegally - maybe after X number of years, no criminal record (aside from initially entering illegally), ability to hold a job... I dunno. Might be some way they can earn citizenship; after all, if they are hardworking and not criminals, we want them helping our country, not others!

Re evince - While I agree that a lot of the immigration reform is based on dislike of other colors or nationalities, there is a group who doesn't want to increase H2B visas because of the worker competition. If employers can hire someone who is here on an H2B visa cheaper than someone who is a citizen - and they do equivalent work - they would probably do it. That's why we need to have enforcement in place to ensure people with visas are NOT exploited; that they are paid the same as those here natively.

We also need to get our natively-born kids to embrace more technical education! When I was recruiting for a company I worked for - software - there was a very high number of candidates applying who were on visa as opposed to citizens. Let's get OUR kids up and going in the latest technical fields!

Of course, now that programming and other similar s/w jobs can be done anywhere, I'm actually not recommending that kids go into those fields. The computer fields that I recommend they go into now are those where they need to interact with customers; that's harder to do from another country. So consulting, sales engineer, stuff like that. OR get into more advanced s/w fields, not the basic desktop/java stuff...

Bolded part I totally understand. The criteria would need to be pretty strict for them to apply for citizenship; but legal work visas seem like something we can do. And even for those who came here illegally - maybe after X number of years, no criminal record (aside from initially entering illegally), ability to hold a job... I dunno. Might be some way they can earn citizenship; after all, if they are hardworking and not criminals, we want them helping our country, not others!

Re evince - While I agree that a lot of the immigration reform is based on dislike of other colors or nationalities, there is a group who doesn't want to increase H2B visas because of the worker competition. If employers can hire someone who is here on an H2B visa cheaper than someone who is a citizen - and they do equivalent work - they would probably do it. That's why we need to have enforcement in place to ensure people with visas are NOT exploited; that they are paid the same as those here natively.

We also need to get our natively-born kids to embrace more technical education! When I was recruiting for a company I worked for - software - there was a very high number of candidates applying who were on visa as opposed to citizens. Let's get OUR kids up and going in the latest technical fields!

Of course, now that programming and other similar s/w jobs can be done anywhere, I'm actually not recommending that kids go into those fields. The computer fields that I recommend they go into now are those where they need to interact with customers; that's harder to do from another country. So consulting, sales engineer, stuff like that. OR get into more advanced s/w fields, not the basic desktop/java stuff...


Great response. Thanks for the insight.