You're right, after all, she is a Native American.
She grew up listening to her relative claiming that crap! Then she made a public claim to it. AND THEN HAD TO SAVE GRACE BY DOING A TWENTIETH CENTURY Family Tree investigation only to learn, that there were no smoke signals that she had any Indian Blood in her at all. I was totally embarrassed for her myself.
I had heard all my life from my family, distant and far, that my Great Grandmother, on my Dad's side, was full blooded Choctaw!
After my family had their Family Tree done, turns out- she was not Choctaw at all. Nope!
She was full blooded American Cherokee Indian!
Strange as it was, me Ole Great Grand Pappy was the old Scotsman himself.
Now what did he do?- Rob the Wig Wam or something? Or do Indians have cradles?
Hilarious! Right? Oh well! A Match made in heaven, no doubt!
Now if my math is correct, that makes me, at least, 1/8th American Indian.
I'm proud now that I found out I am part Native American.
I want my own personal Casino now! BaBla! BaBla!
What were we talking about now?