T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
First, there is no relationship between spending on education and outcomes. That has been proven repeatedly.Our educational system was once the envy of the world. The public schools competed on an even base with private schools. The wealthy do not need them. They use private schools and can control them. So funding has dropped for public schools. Using property taxes as a funding base, doomed inner-city schools and enriched wealthy neighborhood schools.
People get into teaching with the best of intentions. They care. They wind up having to furnish supplies themselves. They are not responsible for what they have become.
I grew up when public schools had music classes, sports were covered, and languages were available. We had slow, average and fast classes.
It is not the educational system causing it. They fight against the wealthy and powerful. They cannot win.
Student Outcomes: Does More Money Really Matter?
Fresh research bolsters the case for more public school funding—but debate rages on how to spend it in a way that boosts achievement.
While spending on education does have to occur, extravagant spending won't improve the outcomes. That is, for example, if we double teacher salaries we won't improve outcomes even slightly. It will simply be the same teachers getting paid more to do what they're already doing.
Two of the biggest failures in education are, first, that colleges of education--something a teacher has to attend to get certified to teach--are hotbeds of radical Leftist indoctrination today and have been for decades.
Varieties of Indoctrination: The Politicization of Education and the Media around the World | Perspectives on Politics | Cambridge Core
Varieties of Indoctrination: The Politicization of Education and the Media around the World
While I'm only giving one example here, there are hundreds to choose from of radical, far, Left Marxist lunatics in positions of power within colleges of education at universities across the US and even the globe. They openly seek to indoctrinate their students in their extremist beliefs and methods.
Getting rid of centralized government rule over education and localizing it would be a good thing. Revamping who can teach to be on the basis of competence in a subject versus getting a degree in education would be another good start towards making education work again.
More government in education = poorer outcomes.