You cannot successfully manage economies with centralized Government control. Marxism does not work.
Do you think the Cultural Marxists will ever be defeated?
Do you think the Cultural Marxists will ever be defeated?
It will be difficult. BTW there are many different terms for the kind of insidious (non- economic -class -struggle focused) socialism you are referring to, like: Critical Theory, Postmodern philosophy, Cultural Marxism. Since the mid-1960's this crap has gone increasingly mainstream in the US forms of : Identity Politics, the push for Diversity; the push for Social Justice, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, workplace Quotas, "Affirmative Action" programs, social engineering, the push for EQUITY (equality of outcome as opposed to equality of opportunity, the demonization of white (European) males as privileged, and responsible for issues like slavery in the South in the 18th century; students at Colleges across America indoctrinated by Cultural Marxist/Postmodernist professors in: the liberal arts/humanities; social sciences, languages, anthropology subject areas to hate Western culture and capitalism and work to ultimately destroy the status quo completely.
Thus far, Cultural Marxism/Postmodernism have successfully destroyed most of America's colleges. Those academics responsible are identifiable and if I had my way they would be dismissed immediately from every university in America and the rest of the West. In practice, however, it's not so easy to do.
Another major domain this scum is taught to infiltrate is the mid-levels of the bureaucracy. They have been doing this for at least 20 years, and once again they are extremely difficult to remove from the system. And whereas socialist academics are easily identified (through their publications), leftist bureaucrats are not. Furthermore they are extraordinary subtle and "slippery", in the way they operate.
I think America has a real problem on its hands with these second-generation, socialist creeds; they were purposely designed to appear harmless and apolitical, however they absolutely are not.
Consider this... there are around 210 "progressive" Democrat Reps sitting in your Congress right now. THAT'S A LOT. "Progressive" is code for socialist. You might not believe that and I can't make you but its true. Because these people are spineless wonders who lie through their teeth, they wont be honest with you are say what they are.
So, on a personal note, I haven't thought much about how you can solve the problem you have in America with cultural socialism/Postmodernism. It very tricky, I mean even sorting out one issue that these cunts have created like , say , Political Correctness, is very difficult because it has seeped into the mainstream now (like COVID19). Political Correctness is something I view as a very serious and unwelcome development because the bottom line it that it represents an attack against your First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech/Expression. I don't want some socialist, academic cocksucker telling me what I can and cannot say !
Kindest Regards
There's no such thing as Cultural Marxism, you tool. I was making fun of right-wing conspiracy nuts.
There's no such thing as Cultural Marxism, you tool. I was making fun of right-wing conspiracy nuts.
Really ? Let me give you a couple of exampless...
(1) Identity Politics, e.g. Obama's disaterous "Black Lives Matter" movement. This is a cutural means of promoting GROUP opposed to individual identity. It is a collectivist movement and therefore inherently socialist.
(2) The push for EQUITY (equality of OUTCOME) this is pure Cultural Marxism/socialism; and trying to implement it results in disaster/chaos
(3) Political Correctness, using culture (language) as a political weapon to suppress freedom of Speech. "Big Brother" decides what you can and cannot say. This is typical socialist tyranny.