they are admitting healthcare is working Now (so they talk talk about cost)

When in the history of the United States have “sick people been tossed into ditches?” If it never happened without Obama-Care, why do we need Obama-Care?

oh how kind of you not to want them thrown into ditches to die.

they can just lay down on the side walk?

we know that would piss you off
Dudes FACE that you are all STUCK with the sociopathic side of this debate.

you chose it not me

The sociopathic side is the one defending the IPAB and the reality that for the first time in our history the people making those decisions cannot be sued, that once the decision is made by those appointed bureaucrats your fate is sealed (unless, of course, you are rich enough to absorb the costs yourself).
That is what the republican party stands for.

they were raised by this great country and now they have a message for her.

"Sorry but our generation is too short sighted and shitty to care about others and sacrifice things for lives."

aint Amurca great
The sociopathic side is the one defending the IPAB and the reality that for the first time in our history the people making those decisions cannot be sued, that once the decision is made by those appointed bureaucrats, your fate is sealed (unless, of course, you are rich enough to absorb the costs yourself).

and what pray tell "decision" is it you are claiming they are making?
I showed you a link to what it REALLY is.

the problem here is you THINK its something else

No, I am fully congnizant of what it is. And of the reality that for the first time these panels are protected from legal suit.
You will not even be able to win with cheating if you keep telling the American people that "well hell we will just let some of you die to save money....Its for your best."

those ones who know they are just one illness away from complete disaster wont vote for you.

The other problem is you fucked everyone the last time you got into office.

I make government fail and go fucking die

those don't make good election slogans
No, I am fully congnizant of what it is. And of the reality that for the first time these panels are protected from legal suit.

gee THATS greeeeeaaaaat Damo.

Now tell me where the death panel part comes into this little bag of nuttery?
Obama will collapse on itself as people realize the personal cost, one that isn't hidden in a regular income tax, that they'll have to pay. It was designed to fail as the left believes people will demand yet another government solution when it does. The sweet song of fascism "we'll take care of you" is so easy to follow, the Sirens are singing and Desh didn't even bother to tie herself to a post.
gee THATS greeeeeaaaaat Damo.

Now tell me where the death panel part comes into this little bag of nuttery?

The same place that the company panels that your side called "death panels" participated in. The main difference, you cannot sue this one as you could those of a company with which you had a contract. They're "death panels" to the left when a company does it, but when government does it they are "panels of loving cost savings".

IPAB is tasked with developing specific proposals to bring the net growth in Medicare spending back to target levels if the Medicare Actuary determines that net spending is forecast to exceed target levels, beginning in 2015.

With regard to IPAB's recommendations, the law says "The proposal shall not include any recommendation to ration health care, raise revenues or Medicare beneficiary premiums under section 1818, 1818A, or 1839, increase Medicare beneficiary cost sharing (including deductibles, coinsurance, and co-payments), or otherwise restrict benefits or modify eligibility criteria."[10] The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must implement these proposals unless Congress adopts equally effective alternatives. The board is also required to submit to Congress annual reports on health care costs, access, quality, and utilization. IPAB must submit to Congress recommendations on how to slow the growth in total private health care expenditures.[11]

Every year on September 1, IPAB must submit a draft proposal to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. On January 15 of the next year IPAB must submit a proposal to Congress. If IPAB fails to meet this deadline, the HHS must create its own proposal. Congress must consider this proposal under special rules. Congress cannot consider any amendment to the proposal that does not achieve similar cost reductions unless both houses of Congress, including a three-fifths super majority in the Senate, vote to waive this requirement. If Congress fails to adopt a substitute provision by August 15, HHS must implement the proposal as originally submitted to Congress.[11]

your crapo is bullshit Damo.

how sad you are joining these fools