They Are Coming To Take Your Squirell Gun Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Google Chris dorner mistaken truck. I'm not doing your research for you.

Actually, here, since I'm so generous.

Shit happens, life isn't perfect......................should we hang them from the nearest oak tree and say that all cops are shitty shooters or more appropriate bad at identification?

BTW i'm still waiting on the card that says "private citizen arms expert".
No guns in schools...simple..............more guns begets more violence, thats been proven time and time again.

Is that so? Then how do you explain Switzerland? Every adult male in Switzerland is mandated by the government to own a rifle and a pistol and have ammunition for both. All is supplied by the government of Switzerland to them yet Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates on planet earth Goober. So much for guns creating gun crime, huh? Of course guns creating gun crime is nothing less than idiocy babbled by idiots on the left. Guns are inanimate objects and have no ability on their own to do anything except look interesting and in some cases look pretty. People commit gun crimes Goober, guns have no such ability without fucking people.

Now if you want to have off duty officers on site I have no problem with that but I do not want some douchebag 23 yr old frsh out of shitburg st. armed.

So in your world teachers are “douchebag 23 yr olds frsh out of shitburg st?”

You'd have to be a brain dead fucking retard to endorse arming teachers, am I describing you?

Some States are already arming teachers Goober. Like George Zimmerman teachers have a constitutional right to be armed and defend themselves against the mentally challenged who the mentally challenged like you want to protect and allow too roam our schools unchallenged.
Shit happens, life isn't perfect......................should we hang them from the nearest oak tree and say that all cops are shitty shooters or more appropriate bad at identification?

BTW i'm still waiting on the card that says "private citizen arms expert".

I already told you what makes me an expert. You would be hard pressed to find anyone, on this board or otherwise, who knows more about guns than myself. And yes, those cops should be hung from a tree.
You mean my FFL? Sure I'll give you that information if you have business with me. Or maybe my 3rd award expert badge from the USMC, or my machine gun instructors certificate, or the specs for last dozen guns I've built or the bucket of brass from my last range session, or maybe my awards for competition shooting?

Most guys in the Corps, hell i've got a brother who did a 6yr in the 2nd out of LeJeune who ended up head of the funeral detail out of Annapolis, reach expert status....................doesn't mean they are proficient at every weapon available to them on the open market but proficient at the weapons they use in the corps., good on ya!

Now how about that card?
I already told you what makes me an expert. You would be hard pressed to find anyone, on this board or otherwise, who knows more about guns than myself. And yes, those cops should be hung from a tree.

Ok, lol.........I know more about rocket science than anyone, there I said it..................this is the internet you know, right?
Most guys in the Corps, hell i've got a brother who did a 6yr in the 2nd out of LeJeune who ended up head of the funeral detail out of Annapolis, reach expert status....................doesn't mean they are proficient at every weapon available to them on the open market but proficient at the weapons they use in the corps., good on ya!

Now how about that card?

What 'card' would you like to see?
Originally Posted by SmarterthanYou
whats the difference between an off duty cop and a teacher when it comes to being armed?

Its beneath me to explain the obvious.

Looks to me like it’s way, way above your mental capacity to reply with an answer constructed with any logic, rationality or honesty!
The one that says "private citizen, arms expert"....................state issued of course. That is the claim you made, right?

Police aren't issued any such card, and yet you claim they're experts...based on the extremely limited training they get.