They crushed his neck and lungs with knees in his neck and back.

You must remember that with regards to Right Wing Conservatives, the real victim here is the White police officer.
To them and our POTUS, Mr. Floyd was just a drain on society and a member of the "welfare" community. To them, his horrible death merely means one less potential Biden voter.

You dont know you ass from a hole in the ground. You certainly don't know right wing conservatives. Quit projecting your evil thoughts onto others. I am that right wing conservative and what I saw was sickening. I dont care that Floyd was a Flea. A dreg a drain. He was tortured and punished unnecessarily and that led to his death. The cops should be charged especially the neck guy. Color, socio status, political affiliation, have nothing to do with anything.
Oh I'll never forget. They have already labeled him a thug who committed a crime of forgery, a drug abuser and having bad health from eating fried chicken.

He was none of that.

I really would like to hear from the store owner who called the kops.

I doesn't matter what he was. That doesn't change the fact that he was killed by the cops. He was however a piece of shit human being. Arrested for criminal trespassing, theft, aggravated robbery with a firearm, to name a few. Still he was murdered. Just dont make him into a saint.
Exactly what I was thinking too. Hope to god they can get the murderer to plead guilty but I don't see it.

Trump wants civil war and so do his diseased followers. Guess we'll see if they get what they want. We watched part of his screech tonight. If he had just stopped after the two 4-5 sentences he might have been okay. But then he started up with the "thugs" shit again. And the KKKers and the white supremacists laughed in joy.

I'm watching thugs destroying my neighborhood burning down innocent businesses like champs shoe store. Looting walmarts and pawn shops and pretty much anything they could. I saw exactly zero trump people. Those bringing war onto us right now are leftists. I'm days into protecting my business NOT from anything other than leftist thugs. I want this over I'm tired and I assure you I am innocent of all the vile intentions your guys apply to all conservatives.

You have no idea how it feels to be threatened and attacked and having your children refuse to leave you alone as you protect your livelihood. Having them in harm's way because of garbage trying to take away what we have built is also sickening.
You dont know you ass from a hole in the ground. You certainly don't know right wing conservatives. Quit projecting your evil thoughts onto others. I am that right wing conservative and what I saw was sickening. I dont care that Floyd was a Flea. A dreg a drain. He was tortured and punished unnecessarily and that led to his death. The cops should be charged especially the neck guy. Color, socio status, political affiliation, have nothing to do with anything.

You are simply a brainwashed pathogical lying moron. You ignorantly think that your kind (Conservative, hipocrisy latent, phoney Christian ideoligy) is morally superior to others. I have a n newsflash for you, you are certainly not. That said, being a closet racist is your right, just stop being pissed when somebody calls you one. In other words, quit being a "trumplike" coward.
I doesn't matter what he was. That doesn't change the fact that he was killed by the cops. He was however a piece of shit human being. Arrested for criminal trespassing, theft, aggravated robbery with a firearm, to name a few. Still he was murdered. Just dont make him into a saint.

Careful! Your RACISM is showing again. Maybe if you held the same contempt for the "piece of shit" racist that is currently occupying the White House, we wouldnt be having riots now.

If you are so damned concerned about someone erroneously receiving "sainthood", I suggest that you get your head out of your ass and stop trying to make tRump into one.
I'm watching thugs destroying my neighborhood burning down innocent businesses like champs shoe store. Looting walmarts and pawn shops and pretty much anything they could. I saw exactly zero trump people. Those bringing war onto us right now are leftists. I'm days into protecting my business NOT from anything other than leftist thugs. I want this over I'm tired and I assure you I am innocent of all the vile intentions your guys apply to all conservatives.

You have no idea how it feels to be threatened and attacked and having your children refuse to leave you alone as you protect your livelihood. Having them in harm's way because of garbage trying to take away what we have built is also sickening.

You have no fucking clue if there were any tRump supporters in the mob or not. Yet, you (in typical trumplike pathological lying fashion) keep trying to "politicize" what is truly a civil rights issue. Once again, following the lead of your pathetic "trumpmaster".........(
You are simply a brainwashed pathogical lying moron. You ignorantly think that your kind (Conservative, hipocrisy latent, phoney Christian ideoligy) is morally superior to others. I have a n newsflash for you, you are certainly not. That said, being a closet racist is your right, just stop being pissed when somebody calls you one. In other words, quit being a "trumplike" coward.

The coward is you. You hide behind this bullshit fake belief that you are the enlightened one. You push your moronic ridiculous retarded idea that conservatives are evil racist idiots. That supporting trump is equivalent to ignorance and support equals brainwashing. Buddy you dont have a clue. You claim to be a nuclear technician and I'd like to believe you but it's harder with each post. No you are just another no it all moron. A brainwashed libtard. A socialist. A monster hypocrite. A pathetic Biden ball washer. You debate like a coward. You already made it so I can't post on your threads like a coward so just put it on ignore and stop being a sucker punching pussy. Pathetic trash.
Careful! Your RACISM is showing again. Maybe if you held the same contempt for the "piece of shit" racist that is currently occupying the White House, we wouldnt be having riots now.

If you are so damned concerned about someone erroneously receiving "sainthood", I suggest that you get your head out of your ass and stop trying to make tRump into one.

Sure it is. Take you identity politics and shove it. I have more black in me than you I'd wager. The facts say the guy was not a good person. You being unwilling to state the obvious is your problem. Calling someone a racist for saying it proves just how fucking dumb and bias you are.
You have no fucking clue if there were any tRump supporters in the mob or not. Yet, you (in typical trumplike pathological lying fashion) keep trying to "politicize" what is truly a civil rights issue. Once again, following the lead of your pathetic "trumpmaster".........(

The only trump supporters in the videos I have seen were either being beaten, protecting their stores (like me), or walking through the rubble aftermath of your liberal comrades actions.
The coward is you. You hide behind this bullshit fake belief that you are the enlightened one. You push your moronic ridiculous retarded idea that conservatives are evil racist idiots. That supporting trump is equivalent to ignorance and support equals brainwashing. Buddy you dont have a clue. You claim to be a nuclear technician and I'd like to believe you but it's harder with each post. No you are just another no it all moron. A brainwashed libtard. A socialist. A monster hypocrite. A pathetic Biden ball washer. You debate like a coward. You already made it so I can't post on your threads like a coward so just put it on ignore and stop being a sucker punching pussy. Pathetic trash.

The fact that you cannot see that tRump plays for the fool that you are is your problem. Now, get back out there and canvass more looters for their political affliation.....lmao at yet another dumbass "chimp".
The only trump supporters in the videos I have seen were either being beaten, protecting their stores (like me), or walking through the rubble aftermath of your liberal comrades actions.

Yeah right. More pathological lying from a cowardly tRump loving racist.......Cowardly racist in your case......(

As much as your undying admiration for tRump motivates you, you cannot turn this into a partisan political issue. That said, keep trying. I enjoy watching your put your stupidity on vivid display.....lmao
The only trump supporters in the videos I have seen were either being beaten, protecting their stores (like me), or walking through the rubble aftermath of your liberal comrades actions.

Yeah right. More pathological lying from a cowardly tRump loving racist.......Cowardly racist in your case......(

As much as your undying admiration for tRump motivates you, you cannot try and turn this into a partisan political issue. That said, keep trying. I enjoy watching your put your stupidity on vivid display.....lmao
The coward is you. You hide behind this bullshit fake belief that you are the enlightened one. You push your moronic ridiculous retarded idea that conservatives are evil racist idiots. That supporting trump is equivalent to ignorance and support equals brainwashing. Buddy you dont have a clue. You claim to be a nuclear technician and I'd like to believe you but it's harder with each post. No you are just another no it all moron. A brainwashed libtard. A socialist. A monster hypocrite. A pathetic Biden ball washer. You debate like a coward. You already made it so I can't post on your threads like a coward so just put it on ignore and stop being a sucker punching pussy. Pathetic trash.

You are incapable of debating anything. You are simply a gutless racist coward. I ban you from my posts because you pathetically and pathologically lie. My guess is that tRumps incessant cowardness is actually what makes him so appealing. I am quite sure that you feel very insecure around "real men".

That said, I dont plan on putting you on ignore. I enjoy reading your posts. You simply exemplify every disgusting trait of a rabid tRump "scrodum polisher". Post on
I'm watching thugs destroying my neighborhood burning down innocent businesses like champs shoe store. Looting walmarts and pawn shops and pretty much anything they could. I saw exactly zero trump people. Those bringing war onto us right now are leftists. I'm days into protecting my business NOT from anything other than leftist thugs. I want this over I'm tired and I assure you I am innocent of all the vile intentions your guys apply to all conservatives.

You have no idea how it feels to be threatened and attacked and having your children refuse to leave you alone as you protect your livelihood. Having them in harm's way because of garbage trying to take away what we have built is also sickening.

I'm pretty sure that no one can tell a rioter's political party during a melee. We can tell who the racists are though -- they use code words like "THUG."

I'm sorry your business is in danger, if your story is true. Want to stop that? Stop voting for racist pricks like Trump and supporters of institutional racism. Look for candidates who support equal opportunity, education, wealth equality, well-trained and integrated police forces. In other words, stop voting against your own best interests.

Good luck, hope that the unrest in your area settles down and positive progressive change comes from all of this. Be well, as well.
The fact that you cannot see that tRump plays for the fool that you are is your problem. Now, get back out there and canvass more looters for their political affliation.....lmao at yet another dumbass "chimp".

Dont have to canvas anything. Just one look. Black youth, white anarchists living in mama's basement.

Btw you calling people a chimp shows your racist mindset. So look in the mirror dude. You are not a very good or smart person.

And yet another example of your hypocrisy. You know the political affiliation of the Charleston protestors without really knowing yet you make fun of and criticize my assuming the political affiliation of this crowd. Think before you post......I believe that's your motto right?
It will be interesting to see in court how each set of doctors defends their findings in regards to their autopsy.
Yeah right. More pathological lying from a cowardly tRump loving racist.......Cowardly racist in your case......(

As much as your undying admiration for tRump motivates you, you cannot turn this into a partisan political issue. That said, keep trying. I enjoy watching your put your stupidity on vivid display.....lmao

I just did turn it into a political issue. One look at the protestors and anyone with an ounce of integrity, so that excludes your garbage ass, can easily see which political party is on display.