I could mention all the "stupid" things trump has done to bring this country back from the brink but you wouldn't care OR you would disagree that they are good. Being a leftist and all.
Its simply amazing how opposite people can be looking at the same thing. I mean is energy independence good? A stronger military good? How about fewer illegals coming illegally to our country good or bad? Are fewer regulations good? Tariff fairness good or bad? Was closing travel from china in January good? How about following the advise of the top doctors? Lower taxes good or bad?
If trump is stupid as you suggest, then just how did he manage to make such good decisions? Decisions your messiah was polar opposite on.
Lol pathetic.
Yes, it is fascinating how mouthbreathing dullards like you can imagine "facts" that don't exist.
40,000 people came in from China at the oneset of the pandemic,
so he did not "close travel."
Doctors told him to begin preparing the nation for the need for PPE/test kits/track-and-trace programs, and
he ignored them and created zero coherent national strategy.
"Fewer illegals coming" and a "stronger military" are stupid solutions in search of a problem.
Our military is a bloated waste of money, with sweetheart contracts pouring out the back door for military hardware that the military has explicitly stated they do not need.
Trump has actually deported FEWER undocumented immigrants than Obama, but he did do a sweet job of creating child concentration camps (which, as a christian, I'm sure you thought was very christ-like).
Meanwhile, these tax breaks have blown a hole in our budget (no link necessary for that one; it's common knowledge) while our economy is in tatters thanks to his lack of preparation for a pandemic that he knew was coming (see above).
You're a member of Trump's death cult, whose only purpose in life is to bestow trump with compliments and adoration. That is LITERALLY the only thing people like you are good for. Sucking trump's tiny, orange dick. How's that geriatric baby-batter taste, you sycophantic fuck?