They forgot how they treated Obama for 8 years??

Their relationship is none of our business, there has been speculation about it for years but the body language I see between them and their daughter and her family is one of genuine affection. Many couple endure these marital problems and work them out to have a stronger relationship, but the truth is we just don't know and it's really none of our business.
I agree about it not being our business, which is why I use the phrase 'for all we know' whenever someone referenced Bill's whoring ways.

Ironically, Bill hurt her chances of winning when he opened his big mouth about ACA being 'ridiculous', as well as his meeting with Lynch....which he had to know was going to be an issue.
You're lying here. I have said very little about Obama on the internet. He was and is the figurehead, community organizer symbol of the progressive, global socialist movement so why bother with just him and his predictable executive orders and his array of Marxists he appointed to administrative positions.

Everything Obama did during his term in office was predictable once he won the office twice so why bother?
Case in point
It is true, the Obamas were constantly belittled and demeaned. What I don't understand it, why, if it was so offensive then, must we use it as an excuse when belittling and demeaning the current 1st family? It is one thing to criticize his actions, but orange clown, whore wife, stupid fatso and all the other childish name calling make those who sink to the same level as the previous infantile crowd look like

Are you referring to the guy who used terms like "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin Ted", "Little Rubio", who referenced Fiorina's horse face, "Low IQ Brezinski bleeding from her facelift", etc.

Are you referring to THAT guy?
Are you referring to the guy who used terms like "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin Ted", "Little Rubio", who referenced Fiorina's horse face, "Low IQ Brezinski bleeding from her facelift", etc.

Are you referring to THAT guy?

Don't like it if he does it, now do you? So why is it ok for others to do it? That's my point. Stop trying to find excuses. Name calling is childish, no matter who does it and why. My point is....if you care to read what I actually said, instead of interpreting it to you liking, it has been going on for a long time. GW got a good brunt of it, so did Obama, but that doesn't mean anyone should continue doing so for whatever reason. Low class shows.
Again, no excuses, just observations.
You forgot the birther movement, the pics making fun of him in his mom pants, the suggestion that his wife resembles an ape....
Shall I go on?

Claiming someone is not a citizen who was born to a foreigner is not an insult. Those pale in comparison to rants about Trump being a moron, holding a bloody effigy of his head cut off and chanting impeach 45.

Weak and stupid comparison.
Yea...sure. Republicans tried to tie Obama's hands behind his back as he worked to fix all of Bush's messes.

Yet; you liberal morons bemoaned obstructionism. Now suddenly, its vogue with you hypocritical idiots.

Obama created more messes than Bush ever did. Of course, in liberal dumbfuck land, where you wallow, 9-11, Iraq and Afghanistan were caused by Bush.

That's how fucking stupid you idiots on the left are.
Obama lawn jockey, watermelons on the W.H lawn, and everyone's favorite....Barack the Magic Negro.

Those were Democratic memes. But in dumbfuckland, those are equivalent to holding bloody effigies of Trumps head, chanting impeachment and threats to blow up the White House.
Their relationship is none of our business, there has been speculation about it for years but the body language I see between them and their daughter and her family is one of genuine affection. Many couple endure these marital problems and work them out to have a stronger relationship, but the truth is we just don't know and it's really none of our business.

Claiming someone is not a citizen who was born to a foreigner is not an insult. Those pale in comparison to rants about Trump being a moron, holding a bloody effigy of his head cut off and chanting impeach 45.

Weak and stupid comparison.

How about depicting him as an ape? A Muslim? Married to a man? C'mon, mild or not, it isn't right, regardless of who posts that nonsense.
Don't like it if he does it, now do you? So why is it ok for others to do it? That's my point. Stop trying to find excuses. Name calling is childish, no matter who does it and why. My point is....if you care to read what I actually said, instead of interpreting it to you liking, it has been going on for a long time. GW got a good brunt of it, so did Obama, but that doesn't mean anyone should continue doing so for whatever reason. Low class shows.
Again, no excuses, just observations.

What goes around, comes around, pal. Obama never treated people like shit as does Trump. Either did GW. You want respect? Then show it first. It's earned, not blindly given.

Read that entire reference I provided on Trump's insults, then get back to me on his earned respect.
What goes around, comes around, pal. Obama never treated people like shit as does Trump. Either did GW. You want respect? Then show it first. It's earned, not blindly given.

Read that entire reference I provided on Trump's insults, then get back to me on his earned respect.

What goes around comes around. That might be why Obama was treated so harshly. The right learned from the left over the course of 8 years.
Yeah, I bow out of that nonsense.
Their relationship is none of our business, there has been speculation about it for years but the body language I see between them and their daughter and her family is one of genuine affection. Many couple endure these marital problems and work them out to have a stronger relationship, but the truth is we just don't know and it's really none of our business.

When you make a similar comment to the JPP liberals, when they are talking about Trump and his wife; then you might be on a path to regain your tarnished reputation.
Until then - :321: had nothing to do with the diametrically opposing politics, social communism/big brother government vs conservative free market capitalism/small government. It was hate and racism.

Surprise another thread dedicated to RACE BAITING AND PROPAGANDA. Why? Its all they have whining talking points.

Reality: It was the same WHITE WORKING CLASS middle American blue collar workers that elected Obama that said HELL NO to basically a 3rd social communist term led by the most corrupt politician to ever run for president in US History.

Do you really want to know why you lost and it did have a great deal to do with the Russians? Corrupt scandal,
after corrupt scandal

Now you present a tear jerking thread whining about the way Obama was treated, ignoring the fact of just who started the acid tongue hostilities? "Sure they (conservatives) can ride the bus with us but they must go to the back of the bus.....WE WON elections have consequences." or "If they (conservatives) a knife you bring a gun." -- BHO

And of course the nation just got through a campaign where Hillary Clinton spent billions attacking everyone in the nation that she thought would vote against her.....she was responsible for the most hateful and negative campaign in US HISTORY. She called anyone that opposed her mirror BHO game plan...."deplorable".

Now....that the conservatives are using your parties are whining like a little girl? Really?

Watch the clip & get back to me, thnX..