They lied and people died!

The Dems in Congress (some of them - not all) were enablers, but this is Bush's war, and always will be. Trying to assert otherwise is criminal.

More democrats voted against it, than voted for it.

That doesn't excuse the ones who voted for it, but I agree, this is bush's war. No way around it. History won't find a way around it either.
Wasn't the whole point of the UN inspections supposed to be proof that Saddam was complying with the resolution to get rid of his WMD?

If he didn't have any, why did the inspectors say he did? Why did he resist?

Seems strange.

In March of 2003, Hans Blix reported to Congress that inspectors had unfetterred access to all suspected sites, and asked to be allowed to continue. Can you read?
Wasn't the whole point of the UN inspections supposed to be proof that Saddam was complying with the resolution to get rid of his WMD?

If he didn't have any, why did the inspectors say he did? Why did he resist?

Seems strange.

The whole point was to ensure he didn't have any. He didn't. The inspections worked.

But you wanted to burn to death hundreds of thousands of people anyway. Because something "seemed strange" to you.

That's evil.
As if you posting here is doing anything to stop the war. Get off you ass and go stop it !!

It's really hard to stop a war. How would you suggest I stop a war? I'm open to suggestions, being an anti-war activist and all. I'll try anything.

You know what really works? Not starting one.

Have enough people been burned to death for you yet, or did you want to start some shit with Iran now?
It's really hard to stop a war. How would you suggest I stop a war? I'm open to suggestions, being an anti-war activist and all. I'll try anything.

You know what really works? Not starting one.

Have enough people been burned to death for you yet, or did you want to start some shit with Iran now?

uh----the war has already started so your plan is obsolete. How do you expect anyone to stop it?
I thought you said there never were any...

BTW, here's the offical record of the Senate vote:

The Reagan adminstration has the bills of sale for the weapons Saddam did have, I never said there never were any. knowing more about history than what comes out of my ass, I couldn't say that. I know that the United States of America sold them to him, right about when Don Rumsfeld was shaking his hand.

BTW, fool, are you making the claim that more democrats voted for the war resolution than voted against it?

Please say yes.
uh----the war has already started so your plan is obsolete. How do you expect anyone to stop it?

Uh----you are as about as dumb as you look dude. I never said I expected anyone to stop it, you are the one who said you expected me to stop it. So, answer your own question, how do you expect me to stop it?

Here is what I actually did say, I'll type slow this time, so maybe you will be able to comprehend it - you support keeping our troops there, send your kids, cause they need some time back home with their families. Four tours. Four.

Go yourself.

A car magnet just don't cut it sorry.
Sure - PNAC, Cheney, Wolfowicz, Perle, talk radio, Bill O'Reilly & the napping American media, among others.

You forgot to mention all the Democrats who wanted to be on the right side of the war if it had gone well. Their complicity is undeniable.
Uh----you are as about as dumb as you look dude. I never said I expected anyone to stop it, you are the one who said you expected me to stop it. So, answer your own question, how do you expect me to stop it?

Here is what I actually did say, I'll type slow this time, so maybe you will be able to comprehend it - you support keeping our troops there, send your kids, cause they need some time back home with their families. Four tours. Four.

Go yourself.

A car magnet just don't cut it sorry.

Let's see a pic to determine if you are as dumb as you look---I know--you're too afraid to post one.
You forgot to mention all the Democrats who wanted to be on the right side of the war if it had gone well. Their complicity is undeniable.

I will never give the Democrats a pass for what they did, but it pales in comparison to Bush. Bush made this call; this is his war. I'm tired of fools like you trying to pass off accountability.
I will never give the Democrats a pass for what they did, but it pales in comparison to Bush. Bush made this call; this is his war. I'm tired of fools like you trying to pass off accountability.

I never have said Bush was not also responsible for the invasion. Focusing ONLY on his participation is nothing but spin.
I never have said Bush was not also responsible for the invasion. Focusing ONLY on his participation is nothing but spin.

No it isn't. It's spin & very dishonest to say "Bush & the Democrats in Congress made the decision to invade Iraq," or imply anything even close to that.

I'm amazed that people STILL don't get it on this.
Let's see a pic to determine if you are as dumb as you look---I know--you're too afraid to post one.

I meant as dumb as your writing makes you look, if you've posted a picture I've never seen it.

Don't rush to repost it, cause I dont' care to see it either.

But that was a great ducking of my post. I take it you finally understood it this time?
The desperation of the Bushies to aviod responsibility for the war is amazingly sad.

Pathetic fools.

Oh yeah, if the war was the "cakewalk" that the liar Cheney said it would be, (and they all swallowed that one), you know they'd be on here insisting that Democrats take credit for its "success" right? No really.
No it isn't. It's spin & very dishonest to say "Bush & the Democrats in Congress made the decision to invade Iraq," or imply anything even close to that.

I'm amazed that people STILL don't get it on this.

I'm amazed people can't figure out that this war could never have happened without the cooperation of people who were simply too worried about thier careers to stop it.