They Put Barbaro Down Today

Haha......don't come lookin' for my horses to use for dog food. They're just a couple of grade horses but they are wonderful pets, cheaper to keep than dogs, by the way, and we like to ride from time to time. Wonderful thing about SE OK, lots and lots of public land to ride/hunt/fish/play on.

I believe we rank 2nd or 3rd in horse population by state so we Okies love our horses. We also love our Miss Americas, but that's another story.:)
Haha......don't come lookin' for my horses to use for dog food. They're just a couple of grade horses but they are wonderful pets, cheaper to keep than dogs, by the way, and we like to ride from time to time. Wonderful thing about SE OK, lots and lots of public land to ride/hunt/fish/play on.

I believe we rank 2nd or 3rd in horse population by state so we Okies love our horses. We also love our Miss Americas, but that's another story.:)
Not really another story at all. Horse shows, dog shows, beauty pageants: they're all the same thing, really. It's about breeding to a standard.

Atavistic entertainment, in my view, but there you are.
That would be inefficient, to say the least. You could feed your basic dog for quite a while on a single horse, and horses, as herbivores -- albeit primitive, inefficient herbivores -- are less expensive to raise.

Kill horses, not cats!

Yeah. But horses are just way better and a lot more functional than cats.

Cats for Dog food, vive les Chevalles!
Yeah. But horses are just way better and a lot more functional than cats.

Cats for Dog food, vive les Chevalles!
I used to wonder why we don't have mousie flavored cat food. Then I realized that cats don't actually eat mice: it would just encourage them to play with their food.
My cats eat mice.
also I have considered horses to be very expensive pets.
My ex wanted to get a horse, I figured it up and from the fence and run in shed it would have cost me 10K just fot the place to sleep and fencing.
Vet bills, ferrier, feed, trailer to haul it, etc = darn expensive pets.
My cats eat mice.
also I have considered horses to be very expensive pets.
My ex wanted to get a horse, I figured it up and from the fence and run in shed it would have cost me 10K just fot the place to sleep and fencing.
Vet bills, ferrier, feed, trailer to haul it, etc = darn expensive pets.
And as for being functional, well, no. Not unless you happen to be Amish. As for their other function, I can get all the horseshit I want just from reading Bush's speeches. Granted, it's painful, but a ready supply.
Horses and beasts of burden might well again play a part in our lives other than pets, but that is in the future if it happens.

btw I have plowed with mules, long ago...I much prefer a tractor ;)
My cats eat mice.
also I have considered horses to be very expensive pets.
My ex wanted to get a horse, I figured it up and from the fence and run in shed it would have cost me 10K just fot the place to sleep and fencing.
Vet bills, ferrier, feed, trailer to haul it, etc = darn expensive pets.

My cats eats mice too. One cat stays in the house (the wife's cat) and the other stays in the barn or on the carport (my cat) but they both are good mousers and eat their prey.

As to the expense, I didn't count in the fencing and barn. I already had them due to some knuckleheaded idea that I wanted to raise some cattle. That passed and I got a couple of horses, one for $600 and one of $400, over the space of about 3 years. I've had them for over 10 years now so they are like part of the family. I pay $14 a month for their grain and I paid $200 for a year's supply of hay. Now compare that to what I pay for the upkeep of my two coon dogs and that's where I get that horses are inexpensive pets.:)
Horses and beasts of burden might well again play a part in our lives other than pets, but that is in the future if it happens.

btw I have plowed with mules, long ago...I much prefer a tractor ;)

I plowed with one mule. My best friend's dad used to break his garden (about an acre patch) that way. I considered to be nostalgic....back-breaking but nostalgic nonetheless. I wonder how many people who are 40 have actually plowed behind a mule?
you are fortunate then Leaning. My neighbor bought a $650 mountain pony and has been out about 1k per year so far on vet bills.

I also don't need a couple of grand of tack (saddle, bridle, etc) for my dog.
Then of course $200 + boots are required as well :)

I think dawgs are cheeper. About $100 per year for vet, about $10 per month for food. has been my experience. Plus the dog does not break my toes when he steps on them ;)
And as for being functional, well, no. Not unless you happen to be Amish. As for their other function, I can get all the horseshit I want just from reading Bush's speeches. Granted, it's painful, but a ready supply.

You can ride them. You can even have people ride them for money. Cops use them in cities. What do cats do for people?
I plowed with one mule. My best friend's dad used to break his garden (about an acre patch) that way. I considered to be nostalgic....back-breaking but nostalgic nonetheless. I wonder how many people who are 40 have actually plowed behind a mule?

Not many I would think. And as you should know there are darn good reasons why :D
btw I sell grass hay for $20 per 5X5 roll. I sell grass hay in 75lb bales to horse people for $3 and alfalfa mix for $5. Good money so I like the horse people :D
BTW leaning and usc, your farm talk is completely foreign to me. When people start about briddles and stuff, I kind of tune out.
You can ride them. You can even have people ride them for money. Cops use them in cities. What do cats do for people?

Help eliminate the plague ?
Or run bears off your property in Jersey ?
Or call 911 and save your life ?
( I read about that one)
btw I sell grass hay for $20 per 5X5 roll. I sell grass hay in 75lb bales to horse people for $3 and alfalfa mix for $5. Good money so I like the horse people :D

My brother owns a substantial amount of land and my uncle bales for himself and for me every year. I get my square bermuda hay for about $1.00 a bale. The last round bales I bought I got for $7.00, but that was about 5 years ago. BTW, your round bales would go for about $75 the last couple of years here due to the drought.
Yep, I know. I've had this discussion with my father-in-law. I tell him what the Texans are paying for this Oklahoma hay and he has a fit thinking, "Man, if I could just get some of my hay out there some way.....":)
I saw on local news last night that they are going to bury the horse in Churchhill downs. What a waste of good dog food.....