They Stole the Declaration of Independence

LMAO!!! That is funny.

What is less funny is they stole the names and addresses of staffers. People will be killed over this.

And they were very eager to find secret materials to sell to the Russians. I would guess they found some.
Right wingers prefer to be Russian tools than true Patriots.
I can't be evidence of your claim about military service. Only you can provide that if you're man enough, son.

Of course not. You're just evidence of being a stupid ex-con who thinks the world owes him for his pain.
Of course not. You're just evidence of being a stupid ex-con who thinks the world owes him for his pain.

It's clear you're not man enough to provide proof of YOUR claims. All you give are subjective opinions and claim it's true because you said so. For honest people, that doesn't suffice.
It's clear you're not man enough to provide proof of YOUR claims. All you give are subjective opinions and claim it's true because you said so. For honest people, that doesn't suffice.

With the current shenanigans of those crooks on Capital Hill no doubt the American Catholic Church Biden/Pelosi traveling inquisition will make it a Christian Nation of secular enlightenment.
With the current shenanigans of those crooks on Capital Hill no doubt the American Catholic Church Biden/Pelosi traveling inquisition will make it a Christian Nation of secular enlightenment.

No doubt you'll continue to use your sock accounts because you're too gutless to have only one, Kunta.
No doubt you'll continue to use your sock accounts because you're too gutless to have only one, Kunta.

Since your reputation precedes you that sock'em rock'em account is no doubt covered as looks like it won't be long to find out just how much of a Christian Nation it is with newly elected Catholics dictating US troops to kill Americans on their behalf.
Since your reputation precedes you that sock'em rock'em account is no doubt covered as looks like it won't be long to find out just how much of a Christian Nation it is with newly elected Catholics dictating US troops to kill Americans on their behalf.

One account, boy, unlike you.
One account, boy, unlike you.

Not sure what one account you might be referring to other than the one for this forum, or if it's just some fabricated multiple accounts misnomer to satisfy that Klues Klucks duh Klans suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super ego with cognitive dissonance that doesn't comprehend the Nicolas Cage reference.
Not sure what one account you might be referring to other than the one for this forum, or if it's just some fabricated multiple accounts misnomer to satisfy that Klues Klucks duh Klans suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super ego with cognitive dissonance that doesn't comprehend the Nicolas Cage reference.

Perhaps you think you only have one because you can't count higher than that.
Perhaps you think you only have one because you can't count higher than that.

Yeah, that's got to be why me, myself & I is still somewhat aware of approximately how many US Constitutions during 3 1/2 years of trying to obtain a university education had been stolen along with Declarations of Independence, old glorys, old testaments & absentee voting ballots; but doubt there's but the one reference to Nicolas Cage.
Yeah, that's got to be why me, myself & I is still somewhat aware of approximately how many US Constitutions during 3 1/2 years of trying to obtain a university education had been stolen along with Declarations of Independence, old glorys, old testaments & absentee voting ballots; but doubt there's but the one reference to Nicolas Cage.

You couldn't get a degree in a hundred lifetimes. Stupidity prevents it.
You couldn't get a degree in a hundred lifetimes. Stupidity prevents it.

The only thing preventing getting a degree was that ongoing Klues Klucks duh Klans holy ghost suicidal Christiananality pedophilia thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots arsonists ed"Jew"cation granted standing by SCOTUS Chief Justice & it's under color of law lynching enforcement; which should have gotten them each a hundred lifetimes incarcerated by one nation under God with equal justice under law.
The only thing preventing getting a degree was that ongoing Klues Klucks duh Klans holy ghost suicidal Christiananality pedophilia thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots arsonists ed"Jew"cation granted standing by SCOTUS Chief Justice & it's under color of law lynching enforcement; which should have gotten them each a hundred lifetimes incarcerated by one nation under God with equal justice under law.

You couldn't get a degree in a hundred lifetimes. A HBC would be too tough for you and we both know their requirements aren't strenuous by any stretch of the imagination.
You couldn't get a degree in a hundred lifetimes. A HBC would be too tough for you and we both know their requirements aren't strenuous by any stretch of the imagination.

Too tough to figure out what a HBC might be as this Klues Klucks duh Klans inquisition requirement seems more of a Mengele "Angel of Death" suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming super ego in that "serve the Pope or die" by Islam "death to the infidels" Christiananlity pedophilia churchstate Catholic Church business interpretation of one nation under God from thieving Declaration of Independence arsonists.