they will cheat agian this elelction

I didn't realize we had a tin foil hat guy! Well placed.

I remember seeing a former Congressman interviewed - John Leboutierre (sp?) I think was his name - and he was fundraising to start a "Counter Clinton Library," which would have had a "death room" to chronicle the 70+ people that Clinton had "whacked" while in office....
Hillary will win, despite what you guys think I'm for the dem nominee.
Obama, Edwards whoever.
I'm for fastly lower military spending and optional wars, same taxes, way increased votech and college assistance, and mostly the break down of the police state.
But, that said I dont underestimate the bible thumping midwester soccor mom's and Bubba's with their misplaced morality play.

the irony in watching the discussions between you and others on the left (on this board) is that while you are labeled a Bush apologist etc. you will be voting for the same candidate they vote for in the Presidential Election and that is Hillary.
I didn't realize we had a tin foil hat guy! Well placed.

I remember seeing a former Congressman interviewed - John Leboutierre (sp?) I think was his name - and he was fundraising to start a "Counter Clinton Library," which would have had a "death room" to chronicle the 70+ people that Clinton had "whacked" while in office....

yeah, I remember that. I thought it was pretty comical... though with politicians, I just wouldn't put anything past them. :rolleyes:
America deserves to be informed.

If they were informed they would not stand and watch this happen their country.

The knowledge of the fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven for at least 4 years. What is the problem? Does it have to be discussed on Entertainment Tonight for it to get the attention of Americans?

The fraud of the war on Iraq could not possibly have been more clear. The rest of the world knew.

And then, there is Godzilla.
Of course they will cheat. Both parties will cheat and the ones who are better at cheating will win. Politics is corrupt and if you are going to play the game of politics you damned well had better be corrupt as well.

Of course they will cheat. Both parties will cheat and the ones who are better at cheating will win. Politics is corrupt and if you are going to play the game of politics you damned well had better be corrupt as well.


LOL. A rather cynical view but I would say probably a pretty accurate one as well.
LOL. A rather cynical view but I would say probably a pretty accurate one as well.

Well, being around the people of, and for as long as I have been around has made me damned cynical. I've gone from a diehard Bush supporter to a "I-wish-I-had-never-heard-the-name-Bush-before" kind'a guy.

Good for you Immie, I thought I remembered you giving me some grief in the past. I have always been against Bush. Even when there were just 3 or 4 of us anti-bush types on
Good for you Immie, I thought I remembered you giving me some grief in the past. I have always been against Bush. Even when there were just 3 or 4 of us anti-bush types on

Yeah, well, I screwed up. But hey even the Bush's screw up. Unfortunately, when they screw up, they end up screwing up the whole damned world.

Well, being around the people of, and for as long as I have been around has made me damned cynical. I've gone from a diehard Bush supporter to a "I-wish-I-had-never-heard-the-name-Bush-before" kind'a guy.


I guess I was responding more to your corruption of both parties, not so much the posters on-line.
I guess I was responding more to your corruption of both parties, not so much the posters on-line.

And what I meant by my response was that being on the three different sites has shown me that both parties are corrupt. I didn't mean that the posters were corrupt.

'cept for Damo of course. ;) j/k

And what I meant by my response was that being on the three different sites has shown me that both parties are corrupt. I didn't mean that the posters were corrupt.

'cept for Damo of course. ;) j/k

He sees right through me.