Things are getting dark

Thanks for bumping this thread

After the crash I would bump these type threads and got threatened by the mods not to bump old threads

They would refuse to tell me how old was too old to bump

Until at least 2007, conservative posters generally were singing the praises of the Bush economy, and they didn't seem particularly worried about a downturn let alone an
outright economicc crash.
Yes, let’s get back to the real issue; women’s sizes. Top is a f’ing powerhouse on that “issue”! You have been kicking ass and taking names Topper! I have desperately been trying to divert the subject to grammar, because I’m afraid of taking you on about women’s clothing sizes!
What size is that lavender pantsuit you wear when you are going to campaign events as “Hillary Girl!”? Come on girlfriend, let’s dish!

Oh yeah

This was Darla

Damn she was good
The economy has ups and downs. The idea is to use policy to keep them as shallow as possible. The Bush team used the subprime fiasco to bolster their economic situation instead of trying to nip it in the bud. The result is what we are seeing now. They alllowed the industry to wring many Americans dry to keep them shopping. It was irresponsible policy and it will haunt America for the next ten years.


And it did

The whole time the Dems worked to fix the mess A Republican Party made
LMAO.... The Bush team did this? Right Desh.

This policy was heavily promoted under your beloved dear leader Clinton. You think the economy didn't benefit from this practice then? Bush may not have done anything to stop it..... but neither did any single Dem in DC. BOTH parties could have done something, neither chose to do so. Bottom line though is that the bulk of the responsibility lies with the borrower and lender. The industry didn't "wring Americans dry".... by and large most of those people wanted more home/car/toys than they could afford and they got burned when rates went up. The industry got burned because they did not act to stop the consumer from taking out loans they should have known would blow up.

This is NOT to say there weren't any predatory lending practices, but the consumer has a responsibility to live within their means AND to know what they are purchasing.


The Republican Party held back the rules on banks for eight years under bush

Read the SEC report linked to in my signature
They can’t blame the cause, because it was Trumps continued pumping of cash into the economy.
Until at least 2007, conservative posters generally were singing the praises of the Bush economy, and they didn't seem particularly worried about a downturn let alone an
outright economicc crash.

Then they began claiming they never voted for Bush
Thanks for reminding everyone that Keysean economics works

I predicted the 2008 crash because I used facts and real economic theory
You watch they will find a way to say it was the democrats fault.

I remember back in 1993 when congress passed ad Bill signed the bill which set us on the path to fiscal balence I turned to my husband and said " watch them try and claim this as their doing" They have done just that. The bill was signed without ONE single R vote and was credited by the CBO and the GAO as a major reason for the surpluses. The Rs base still thinks it was Newt. They will claim it , it will be twisted logic and some will buy it.

Well, to look at your posts here over the last few years, you've managed to find a way to blame Trump for everything including the weather...

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.



That was nearly a year before the crash

Why did do many experts FAIL to see it coming yet the signals were all there to see?