things going well in Singapore....

The talks don't stand a chance.. Trump is not prepared or skilled enough.. He's in over his head. Don't you see it?

Because you say so? Do you see it? You're an idiot who hasn't been right yet. Just like the FAKE media whose false narratives you gullibly swallow.
It's a bit like Hitler and Mussolini - bullying scum usually get on: they understand one another.

Trump's incompetence and bullying ways are on display for the whole world. What a tragic mess.

i remember two weeks ago bourbon and cypress were laughing about how dumb trump was to be tricked by kim and how kim canceled the meeting. now they are meeting in Singapore. weird.
are you always this stupid or is it because you just got out of bed and your brain isn't working yet?

Rhetorical question, right?

On May 22nd, she made this claim:

Gasoline is $5,00 a gallon in NYC.

Notice she didn't say "the media says gasoline is $5,00 a gallon in NYC".

When I proved that gas was widely available in NYC for much less, she tried to claim it was the media's fault.
.....????? sort of missed what the thread is about, didn't you.......are you always this stupid or is it because you just got out of bed and your brain isn't working yet?.....

this thread is not in current events because its about know, like when you impersonate someone who knows what the fuck is going on?.....

Oh we all get it, we have an impersonator in the oval office, and to be honest, in the vast majority of our electoral offices around the nation. That's just the nature of our system. That's why we require global military occupation and invasion to export our "way of life".
That's why we require global military occupation and invasion to export our "way of life".
That's insight. No maga tard is going to be able to comprehend it.

One might think that if the way of life is indeed better, we wouldn't need to force it, it would simply happen. Certainly a despot might think it isn't better,
so that is probably the stopper. But it sure is worth the thought. Problem is here, people don't even consider the possibility. It's a manifest destiny idea, global in reach.
Probably because most Americans still haven't traveled enough.
Maybe it's support for 'Western Democracy' versus Dynastic Rule like NK, or Theocracy Rule like Iran/Saudi Arabia, or One Party Rule like China?
It's like spelling aluminium - there's a right way and a wrong one. Trump hugely admires dictators and wants to imitate them in the 'States, since he is wedded to the wrong one. Pity the US doesn't go for the candidate with most votes!