Things I would like to know

Have you tried acupuncture?

I tried chiropractic, it was worthless. I need to avoid foods with oxylates and red meat (easy for me as I am a vegetarian)... The chiropractic office also employed an acupuncturist, it was also to no avail. Worthless.
I tried chiropractic, it was worthless. I need to avoid foods with oxylates and red meat (easy for me as I am a vegetarian)... The chiropractic office also employed an acupuncturist, it was also to no avail. Worthless.

Yea....chiropractic might (emphasize "might") help some with managing the pain of passing a stone but the best bet is prevention and that's going to mean modifying your diet. Avoiding oxylates is really going to suck since most of those come, in a vegetarian diet, from the protein sources in your diet (usually legumes).

Are you familiar with mediterranean style recipes (aka mediterranean diet)? It's well known for reducing levels of both cholesteral and uric acid. You would also want to try increasing the levels of chelates in your diet as they help keep the metal and mineral cations in solution so that they don't form mineral based aggregates/crystals in your kidneys. I'm sure that you've heard that cranberry juice is good for preventing kidney stones, and it is, becuase it contains chelates. If you've been developing stones often you may want to consider chelation therapy. Some other suggestions would be to do a better job of hydration by drinking lots and lots of water and eliminate diuretics (cranberry juice being an exception though use it in moderation, like one or two glasses a week) such as caffeine. In fact you may want to give up all beverages except water until the problem passes.

Also try eating more white meat protein, such as fish and de-skinned poultry, as beans and other legumes, which tend to be the main source of dietary proteins for vegetarians, are loaded with oxylates.

Some foods with chelates that will help prevent mineral aggregations/crystals from forming that I would suggest are;

Burdock root (drank as a tea, be careful it's powerful stuff)
Garlic of course
cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc..just make sure their well don't want a goiter!)
non-citrus fruits
most greens
milk, Yes milk. Milk has lots of mineral content (calcium) but also lots of chelates that keep the calcium in solution making it bioavailable. Soy milk is a good alternative (I don't like the taste of soy milk).

Increasing soluble fiber helps too but if you're eating a vegetarian diet you're probably getting plenty.

My guess is that if you're eating a vegetarian diet and getting kidney stones then oxylates are the villain here and I would suggest that you need try replacing the vegetarian sources of protein in your diet with white meats like fish and chicken.

If you want to get an idea how dramatic the impact oxylates have on your physiology here's a neat experiment. Chop up about a table spoon of rubarb (high in oxylates) in a glass of milk and mix it. You'll be shocked at how it precipitates out the calcium ligands dissolved in the milk.

Again, I must emphasize, drink lots of water! 8 or more 8oz glasses a day!! More when it's hot or you're exercising.

Another suggestion. Athletes rarely, if ever, get kidney stones. You might want to do more cardio work outs.
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Everything on that list I fucking hate except milk. But I have heard good things about the Mediterranean Diet. :cof1:

You've never had kidney stones. Imagine I walk up and gut punch you with a ball bat hard enough that you go into spasms....then I come back about 30 minutes to an hour later and do it again...and again....and again...for about 3 days.

Oh....and if you hate everything on the list you have wonderfull odds of enjoying this experience! :)
I tried chiropractic, it was worthless. I need to avoid foods with oxylates and red meat (easy for me as I am a vegetarian)... The chiropractic office also employed an acupuncturist, it was also to no avail. Worthless.

Are you staying hydrated?

I always heard the best way to avoid kidney stones is to drink plenty of water.

Never mind...Mott beat me to it.
Are you staying hydrated?

I always heard the best way to avoid kidney stones is to drink plenty of water.

Never mind...Mott beat me to it.

Of course I'm staying hydrated. It actually cut down on the frequency and instead of every 3 months I get them every 4 to 6 now... Believe me, that is improvement, but it hasn't resolved the issue. The problem I have is I get both types of kidney stones, and always in the left kidney for some reason...

But with both types, I can't just do the uric acid diet and avoid meats and legumes... I also can't do the calcium diet... I wind up with a short list of stuff that I can eat and stay healthy...
Of course I'm staying hydrated. It actually cut down on the frequency and instead of every 3 months I get them every 4 to 6 now... Believe me, that is improvement, but it hasn't resolved the issue. The problem I have is I get both types of kidney stones, and always in the left kidney for some reason...

But with both types, I can't just do the uric acid diet and avoid meats and legumes... I also can't do the calcium diet... I wind up with a short list of stuff that I can eat and stay healthy...

Next time you get stones try flying to Massachusets and beating the hell out of Grind with a lead pipe. It won't really do anything for the stones but you'll feel a hell of a lot better anyways. :)

On a serious may want to ask your physician about trying chelation therapy. That's pretty radical though and taking EDTA orally, as an alternative, may prove affective if you can't control the stones through diet. I undertook chelation therapy once due to an accidental exposure to hexavalent chromium. It worked in that it flushed the hexchrome out of my system but I wouldn't want to do it again.
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Everything on that list I fucking hate except milk. But I have heard good things about the Mediterranean Diet. :cof1:

The mediterranean diet is the best. Loads of veggies, olive oil, red wine. My doc suggested it after my attack and I feel really good. Now Spanish doctors say that beer is good for you too.... in moderation.
The secret is always to leave the table able to eat more and never sleep off a big meal.
I know ... I was that soldier.
I don't know anything about kidney stones though!! Could give the offending kidney to someone you dont like, I guess.