Things that test my patience with others...


Staff member
Why is it I can drive through unplowed country roads with twice the snow of the city to get to the highway and into work, but people who live in the city are incapable of getting here after a weak 9 inch snow fall?
Why is it I can drive through unplowed country roads with twice the snow of the city to get to the highway and into work, but people who live in the city are incapable of getting here after a weak 9 inch snow fall?
Oh for God's sakes call that a rant? Where's the passion? WHere's the fire? Where's the F bombs?

You're makin Cap'n Billy look good!
Fuck it, I have no idea Damo. Cityfolk do tend to be timid drivers during inclement weather, though...

One girl lives about 10 miles from work and has a pickup that is the envy of every redneck around yet somehow couldn't get out of her driveway? Please...

One girl lives about 10 miles from work, and has a pickup that is the envy of every redneck around yet somehow couldn't get out of her driveway? Please...

you're a pretty patient guy, for all the shit you have had to occasionally put up with on this board, you're level headed. so why does this test your patience? is it because you abhor whiny or wimpy excuses more than other things?
you're a pretty patient guy, for all the shit you have had to occasionally put up with on this board, you're level headed. so why does this test your patience? is it because you abhor whiny or wimpy excuses more than other things?
I think that it is because I know that it is a lie. I dislike dishonesty.
Why is it I can drive through unplowed country roads with twice the snow of the city to get to the highway and into work, but people who live in the city are incapable of getting here after a weak 9 inch snow fall?
I feel your pain. One of my ski leagues canceled races twice this season because (you guessed it) there was too much snow. Needless to say, I won't be funding them with dues next year.
All this talk of snow, it is a delightful 66 right now. Tomorrow, high is supposed to be 74.

72 here

i used to live in the NW, i liked the cold, it was a refreshing feeling, brisk, clean, challenging. now, a wee bit older, this warm weather, yeah....i can deal with that :)
Why is it I can drive through unplowed country roads with twice the snow of the city to get to the highway and into work, but people who live in the city are incapable of getting here after a weak 9 inch snow fall?

Valid point. However, my experience from living in the boondocks is that farmers have dirt roads that don't slick up with ice like asphalt does...and farmers have big ass high clearance trucks or four wheel drive.

that said, californians, including myself, totally suck at driving in the snow. The least little bit of precipitation makes us drive like idiots. I turned down a transfer to Lake Tahoe just because I knew I'd be an doofus driver in the snow. Bummer, I do like snow boarding
72 here

i used to live in the NW, i liked the cold, it was a refreshing feeling, brisk, clean, challenging. now, a wee bit older, this warm weather, yeah....i can deal with that :)

Its 48 in Olympia, with some drizzle. I love the NW weather, because I hate extreme temperatures in either direction, and I have been spoiled silly by our temperate weather.
Valid point. However, my experience from living in the boondocks is that farmers have dirt roads that don't slick up with ice like asphalt does...and farmers have big ass high clearance trucks or four wheel drive.

that said, californians, including myself, totally suck at driving in the snow. The least little bit of precipitation makes us drive like idiots. I turned down a transfer to Lake Tahoe just because I knew I'd be an doofus driver in the snow. Bummer, I do like snow boarding
They turn to snot when they get wet, they are actually quite a bit more difficult to drive in weather. There is a reason farmers have pickups, however cities plow their roads and every car has front wheel drive. Their driveway isn't two city blocks like mine either....

And you'll learn to drive in the snow, you'll only be a doofus if you keep your silly rear-wheel drive vehicle and drive too fast.
They turn to snot when they get wet, they are actually quite a bit more difficult to drive in weather. There is a reason farmers have pickups, however cities plow their roads and every car has front wheel drive. Their driveway isn't two city blocks like mine either....

And you'll learn to drive in the snow, you'll only be a doofus if you keep your silly rear-wheel drive vehicle and drive too fast.

I'm used to driving liberal socialist cars like Volkswagon buses and volvos, so I think I'm genetically and mechanically incapable of not being a doofus driver in snow.

Yo man, you colorado farmers need to learn about dirt road construction. My piece of crap volkswagon bus never had a problem on those dirt farm roads. Those roads never turned to mush. Throw some gravel on them, man!

I'm used to driving liberal socialist cars like Volkswagon buses and volvos, so I think I'm genetically and mechanically incapable of not being a doofus driver in snow.

Yo man, you colorado farmers need to learn about dirt road construction. My piece of crap volkswagon bus never had a problem on those dirt farm roads. Those roads never turned to mush. Throw some gravel on them, man!


Actually, a lot of rural areas are going back to gravel roads. They are easier and cheaper to maintain, and in many ways safer. Especially in bad weather.