Things that test my patience with others...

Actually, a lot of rural areas are going back to gravel roads. They are easier and cheaper to maintain, and in many ways safer. Especially in bad weather.

Makes sense. What the f do I know, I was city slicker poeser. I remember the farmer dude I was leasing from bitched about the cost of putting gravel on the road, but it seemed totally worth it. That road was completely drivable even during the most massive deluges of rain. Also, us liberal socialists are trying to get city slickers to build gravel driveways or semi-permeable driveways because it's better for the environment, and creates less runoff and flooding problems in urban areas. Cheers to socialism!.
I'm used to driving liberal socialist cars like Volkswagon buses and volvos, so I think I'm genetically and mechanically incapable of not being a doofus driver in snow.

Yo man, you colorado farmers need to learn about dirt road construction. My piece of crap volkswagon bus never had a problem on those dirt farm roads. Those roads never turned to mush. Throw some gravel on them, man!

The problem is the money, our county is poor, not like El Paso County. Our road has gravel on it, but that's only about 1.5 miles of my drive. Another 15 or so miles are on roads that they can't afford to put gravel on... There are thousands of miles of roads in the county, not so many dollars to maintain them.
The problem is the money, our county is poor, not like El Paso County. Our road has gravel on it, but that's only about 1.5 miles of my drive. Another 15 or so miles are on roads that they can't afford to put gravel on... There are thousands of miles of roads in the county, not so many dollars to maintain them.

I can totally understand that. Hundreds miles of road sounds like it would cost a buttload to gravel. I think there are ways to get grant money for road improvement, but you have do some dog and pony shows for the marxist-socialist environmentalists that it will reduce erosion and have a net positive environmental impact.
I think that it is because I know that it is a lie. I dislike dishonesty.

Then did you take the girl with the redneck-approved pickup to task for her dishonesty?

Maybe that's what got you upset? You didn't say anything when you had the chance?
The problem is the money, our county is poor, not like El Paso County. Our road has gravel on it, but that's only about 1.5 miles of my drive. Another 15 or so miles are on roads that they can't afford to put gravel on... There are thousands of miles of roads in the county, not so many dollars to maintain them.
See what happens when you don't pay taxes. Back east here even our tertiary farm access roads are chip and seal pavement and we get a substantial return on our tax dollars for this.

So why don't you cheap bastards quite your whining and poney up some tax dollars and don't give me this "Were to poor" shit. If them mouth breathers in michigan can do it, so can you!