Think it's cold where you're at?

I am not as concerned about Global Warming as I am about how people, like some of our posters here, still deny that the planet is warming- and have the brains of toads!

That concerns me! Because Toads are on the endangered species list! LOL!!
I am not as concerned about Global Warming as I am about how people, like some of our posters here, still deny that the planet is warming- and have the brains of toads!

That concerns me! Because Toads are on the endangered species list! LOL!!

Your position is that you don't care if it is true, just so people believe it.
Your position is that you don't care if it is true, just so people believe it.

Allowing governments to control more facets of everyday living while raising new taxes and fees might be a motivation for some to pretend the embrace the warmist alarmism.

It's telling that none of them seem to be living off the grid, isn't it?
Allowing governments to control more facets of everyday living while raising new taxes and fees might be a motivation for some to pretend the embrace the warmist alarmism.

It's telling that none of them seem to be living off the grid, isn't it?

I have encountered a few folks living off the grid in these discussions, but they usually are living in the middle of a desert or some other bum fuck egypt place where their true savings are in not having to have a forest's worth of utility poles installed to get them on grid. Don't recall any of them being at JPP though.
I have encountered a few folks living off the grid in these discussions, but they usually are living in the middle of a desert or some other bum fuck egypt place where their true savings are in not having to have a forest's worth of utility poles installed to get them on grid. Don't recall any of them being at JPP though.

How did you verify that they were actually living off the grid?
How did you verify that they were actually living off the grid?

Photos posted of their set up. I have participated in several sites dedicated to farming, agriculture, homesteading, etc that delve into the political or political that delve into the personal day to day stuff and the lot and people often share photos of that stuff as they are chuffed with their efforts. I recall one person lived in the middle of the desert and one lived on a mountain top out west somewhere. I have seen others. Most people who do it, still tether to the grid though.
Photos posted of their set up. I have participated in several sites dedicated to farming, agriculture, homesteading, etc that delve into the political or political that delve into the personal day to day stuff and the lot and people often share photos of that stuff as they are chuffed with their efforts. I recall one person lived in the middle of the desert and one lived on a mountain top out west somewhere. I have seen others. Most people who do it, still tether to the grid though.

I see.

One of my biggest complaints with the government wasting billions in subsidizing big electric instead of coming up with an easier way to go from on-grid to off-grid and back again at will. I personally know a man who tried to live with no government utilities--no power, harvested water or brought it in, and heat/cook with wood. When the city found out about it, they had a freaking cow.
One of my biggest complaints with the government wasting billions in subsidizing big electric instead of coming up with an easier way to go from on-grid to off-grid and back again at will. I personally know a man who tried to live with no government utilities--no power, harvested water or brought it in, and heat/cook with wood. When the city found out about it, they had a freaking cow.

Was there a sanitation issue?

I understand that fires are prohibited because of wildfire risks in many locales during the dry season, and that some jurisdictions don't allow the use of a fireplace at any time.