Think it's cold where you're at?

Was there a sanitation issue?


I understand that fires are prohibited because of wildfire risks in many locales during the dry season, and that some jurisdictions don't allow the use of a fireplace at any time.

He had a woodstove and used candles and such. That wasn't the issue. All our utilities are government owned and doing this meant he was escaping their grasp and not paying the sewage and trash pick up fees that are attached to water and electric. I have a few houses sitting vacant but with services connected. It is almost $70 a month each to have just utilities etc hooked up with zero consumption. If you don't keep them on now, they condemn the property. When they switched to smart meters, they bought software that allows them to determine every house that doesn't have utilities connected at a click of a mouse when they used to really have no idea. They forced this guy to at least hook up water and electric even if he didn't use them (i.e. pay them at least $70 a month). He continued to not use them for about a year but had to when he had health issues that made it too hard to deal with wood and he had to have one of those oxygen machines for a long time.
As long as Inhofe can find a snowball it's all fake.

The AGW denier idiots must not understand the mathematical concept of "averages", as in "the AVERAGE global temperature is rising".

And extreme weather, including extreme winter cold and storms, was long ago predicted as one of the effects AGW would have on our weather.

Now, those predictions are coming true and the nose-picker knuckle-draggers are still scoffing.

Human stupidity is eternal and on the rise, I guess.

Trump in the WH being a prime example of that.
Cold temps are simply weather, only hot temps are global warming/climate change. ;)

Actually both are part. The warm air keeps the Arctic air at bay a lot more then usual, and it builds up. When the warm air lessens, the cold Arctic air sweeps south, and once again it's more then usual. The temps keep battling each other, and we never seem to just transition over. Where I am was going to be cold, then it's going to warm up with rain, get cold again, and finally have some snow the day after Christmas. Of course that was when I looked last week.
One of my biggest complaints with the government wasting billions in subsidizing big electric instead of coming up with an easier way to go from on-grid to off-grid and back again at will. I personally know a man who tried to live with no government utilities--no power, harvested water or brought it in, and heat/cook with wood. When the city found out about it, they had a freaking cow.

We can't have people wandering off of the corporate state reservation now can we.