Mr. Shaman
In the hopes of all educated socialists. Capitalism is a world system, and can only be overthrown world-wide, as you know.
....By, either.....a Teabagger.....or, some schoolkid, attempting to be profound.
In the hopes of all educated socialists. Capitalism is a world system, and can only be overthrown world-wide, as you know.
In the hopes of all educated socialists. Capitalism is a world system, and can only be overthrown world-wide, as you know.
In the hopes of all educated socialists. Capitalism is a world system, and can only be overthrown world-wide, as you know.
I have been a socialist all my life, and first worked for the Labour Party when I was thirteen. I come from perhaps the most solidly working class area in the UK, and my constituency had once 'the strongest branch of the strongest trade union in the world'. It was the first British constituency to elect a trade union rep as MP (in the 1870's, I think, Mabon). The Liberals didn't dare to stand, and the tories regularly lost their deposit, so elections were between Labour and the CP (Harry Pollitt), with Plaid Cymru developing in Rhondda West. I was Secretary of the Cambridge Socialist Club, and have served as Secretary of an International Socialist Branch and a Constituency and Branch Membership Secretary in the Labour Party (built up the numbers to three times what they were). Perhaps I am just naturally profound?
So socialism is control by the working people nowhere on earth, right? Where has control by the working people EVER been established and been successful on earth? Oh! I bet I know! Nowhere ever! Know why? Of course you don't! Here's a clue! "because it's totally contrary to human nature and authoritarian slobs like Joseph Stalin." and billions like him
The only reason the UK survives today is because capitalism has survived the insanity of socialist idiots.
I support Sanders, I don't think a purely Danish or Swedish style Socialist government would work in the United States, but I do think we need to mix in some socialist components to our society to try to even our the troubling trend of the wealthiest families owning so much of the opportunity in our nation. There are specific things that can allow a society to become more generationally mobile between economic classes and access to high quality education is one of them. If we can allow less financially well off individuals to go to College without burdening them for 35 years of student debt that would for example, go a long way toward helping the problem. Healthcare is another one of those areas where universal access will help to allow the hard working to rise to the top of the economic ladder while the less hardworking will slip.