For a Republican to call anyone else a coward indicates a real brass neck hiding there under the bed!
I'd call you one to your face you clueless repugnant leftist moron.
For a Republican to call anyone else a coward indicates a real brass neck hiding there under the bed!
they were lied to by your fucks you stupid fucking sheeple
they were given access to documents I was not allowed to see asshole.
It turns out what they were shown was even bigger fucking lies than what they told the public you rat dicked scumbait
Now when someone lies to you is it your fault their a fucking liar
Hmmm. So they were that easily duped? You say you didn't believe it. Why did they?
You saying you are smarter than Hillary and Biden?
If Hillary is so easily fooled by someone as dumb as Bush doesn't that disqualify her? I mean she seems to get screwed over a lot by men. First Bill. Then George.
Plus; since she was so easily mislead, is she really the kind of person anyone would want to be President??
So Hillary and Biden and Kerry were duped?
I love watching you guys twist yourselves in knots over this. It really is funny.
YOU were duped. You're in the same boat as Hillary, etc.
FREEDUMB911 has no idea what she is talking about. Hillary will easily give our next President herpes
so asshole
where are those WMDs your fucks lied about in Iraq?
If bush and his PNAC cronies hadn't crammed the WMD lie down the American public there would have been no war to vote for.
a pathetic justification from a little brained dopey retard that shouldn't be allowed to vote. Stereotypical feels based useful idiot.
The only way I'd give a shit about your comments is if the ladies on "The View" told me to care
a pathetic justification from a little brained dopey retard that shouldn't be allowed to vote. Stereotypical feels based useful idiot.
Pastor Pimplefuck is the silliest poster here...
The sanctimonious asshole needs to silence his own silly ass...
Good lord; buy a fucking mirror shit-for-brains; no one does sanctimonious asshole and moron better than you.
Pathetic defense of Bush and Cheney's lies.
Still clinging to the lies? ...pinheaded fool.[IMG][/QUOTE]
You don't know what sanctimonious you 1st moron.