This book's not banned

You are a liar or don't know how to do an Ebay search. Ebay has 20+ pages of Huck Finn books for sale. Drama Queen.

I am talking about the 6 banned Dr Seuss books. You disingenuous Nazi book burner POS puke!

Link to "If I ran the zoo"-?
Find me "McElligot's Pool" for sale, you commie pinhead fuck!
Links or STFU with your dimwittery, k?
I apologize but my patience is quite thin with the stupidity right now.

I'm just a regular dude, but my patience is worn thin with this stupidity.
Most likely your stupidity as well.
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PBS is Fake News?

I'm sure the book was probably banned in some places--PBS does not go into any detail about "who" banned the book.

All I know is the book is readily available from many sources. Therefore, it is not "banned" if we can legally buy it.

Read some 1st amendment free press cases. Government cannot prohibit the publication of any document including classified information unless it will endanger troop movements.
Can you buy the book on Amazon or at your local bookstore or is it available in your library? Because a school may ban its use only means that is a choice the school made. Nobody is prohibiting anybody from selling or buying the book.

Well, as to the bolded, ebay is.

Can you buy it anywhere? If so, find a link and post it, you Nazi cocksuckin' POS!
I'm sure the book was probably banned in some places--PBS does not go into any detail about "who" banned the book.

Yes, they do. Why lie?

It began rolling off American printing presses in February of 1885. By March, librarians in Concord, Massachusetts deemed it “trash” and “suitable only for the slums.” It was the first time the book was banned in the United States, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

"I think that it’s landed on the list of banned books because it goes where Americans really don’t want to go. I think that Huck Finn will remain on the banned books list because it will remain a burr under the saddle of so many people — because it goes to the heart of what still bothers us to this day."
I'm sure the book was probably banned in some places--PBS does not go into any detail about "who" banned the book.

All I know is the book is readily available from many sources. Therefore, it is not "banned" if we can legally buy it.

Read some 1st amendment free press cases. Government cannot prohibit the publication of any document including classified information unless it will endanger troop movements.

So you should have no problem posting 2 instances of 2 of the books for sale, amirite?

Hop to it, Hopalong, or be exposed for being the POS commie liar I think you are.

Links to the books or STFU! Bitch.
Not a hard thing to do..3 days ago.
You made the claim the 6 banned Dr. Seuss books were still available.
Now prove it.

You may prove me wrong, but I think you're a commie lying piece of shit.
One that's not smart enough to do what I've challenged. ;)
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I am talking about the 6 banned Dr Seuss books. You disingenuous Nazi book burner POS puke!

Link to "If I ran the zoo"-?
Find me "McElligot's Pool" for sale, you commie pinhead fuck!
Links or STFU with your dimwittery, k?
I apologize but my patience is quite thin with the stupidity right now.

I'm just a regular dude, but my patience is worn thin with this stupidity.
Most likely your stupidity as well.

Ok. Here is a link to "If I Ran the Zoo."

Those six books are not "banned." The publisher has decided not to publish them any longer. I assume they could still be published by another publisher if they have the rights.

If you lose your patience this much when you are clearly wrong I bet you really go crazy when you actually get something right.

It is obvious you did not do an Ebay or Amazon search. Try all the bookstores.

I think your problem is reading those right-wing trash tabloids that use scare tactics to rile up the troops.

You sniveling, slimy shyster. Amazon is not selling that title - they are (for now) allowing people to sell USED copies for insane prices (which they get a chunk of).


What a dishonest hack you are.
You sniveling, slimy shyster. Amazon is not selling that title - they are (for now) allowing people to sell USED copies for insane prices (which they get a chunk of).

What a dishonest hack you are.

You idiot. If they are allowing people to sell it then it cannot be "banned."

Let's try Barnes and Noble for $17.99

The point is that this book is available. I'm sure some are thinking it will be in great demand and want to make some money.

Banned means it is illegal to buy or sell the book. Nothing is prohibited. It is a choice by the publisher.

Some of you people will believe any wild claim.
Ok. Here is a link to "If I Ran the Zoo."

Those six books are not "banned." The publisher has decided not to publish them any longer. I assume they could still be published by another publisher if they have the rights.

If you lose your patience this much when you are clearly wrong I bet you really go crazy when you actually get something right.

It is obvious you did not do an Ebay or Amazon search. Try all the bookstores.

I think your problem is reading those right-wing trash tabloids that use scare tactics to rile up the troops.

How much is 12, 1950 ?

I thank you for rising to the challenge! :thumbsup:
I did no searches, I'm cooking. ;)
You idiot. If they are allowing people to sell it then it cannot be "banned."

Let's try Barnes and Noble for $17.99

The point is that this book is available. I'm sure some are thinking it will be in great demand and want to make some money.

Banned means it is illegal to buy or sell the book. Nothing is prohibited. It is a choice by the publisher.

Some of you people will believe any wild claim.

"Ship This Item — Temporarily Out of Stock Online "
Uhh yeah..about that..uhm no. No it's not available

See if any are in stock here!

Good luck! LOL!
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Can you buy the book on Amazon or at your local bookstore or is it available in your library? Because a school may ban its use only means that is a choice the school made. Nobody is prohibiting anybody from selling or buying the book.

Can you buy the book on Amazon or at your local bookstore or is it available in your library? Because a school may ban its use only means that is a choice the school made. Nobody is prohibiting anybody from selling or buying the book.

Yes, somebody is.
They're available in a bedroom of mine and I can't sell them on ebay.
I thought Americans didn't burn books, only Nazis did.

Did they ban Little Black Sambo too, yet?
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Yes, somebody is.
They're available in a bedroom of mine and I can't sell them on ebay.
I thought Americans didn't burn books, only Nazis did.

Did they ban Little Black Sambo too, yet?

You don't check everything or you would have easily found Little Black Sambo on Amazon

Nazis controlled the German government. There is no government involvement in a publisher (estate) choosing not to publish six books. They are still available in libraries, free pdf downloads, read on YouTube.

It is not illegal or prohibited from buying "If I Ran the Zoo." If it was "banned" it wouldn't be sold out as fast as people can buy them.