This Is Exactly How Much Cash You Should Carry at All Times


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Some of you may not be old enough to remember, but there was a time not long ago when leaving the house without at least a little cash in your wallet or purse was unthinkable. You never knew when you might need to spend money, whether it was paying a restaurant bill or filling up a gas tank or picking up some groceries before heading home. Life was just a series of cash exchanges waiting to happen.

But paper currency has become increasingly rare in our daily transactions. Credit and debit cards are accepted just about everywhere, and “minimum purchase” requirements are becoming things of the past. You can pay for taxis with an app, split a restaurant check with a friend by using Venmo, and pay for just about anything else with PayPal. If you have any cash on you at all, it never gets touched.

Until that one time when you need it. Believe it or not, there are still moments in life when you’ll need cold, hard cash. And when that happens—and trust us, it always does—you’ll need to consider things you haven’t thought about in years. Like, “Do I have enough money?” That’s not usually something that goes through a person’s head when they’re paying with a credit card. If something costs $20, then your card just magically pulls that amount out of the ether. But if you’re paying in cash, then you need to have exactly $20 on you.


I had a friend ran his life on his dept card.Card got hacked,he didn't have a penny or gas to get to his credit union for days!
Carry a few bucks!
I generally don't carry cash. I will get cash out of ATM for specific things like haircuts (she only takes cash) or the garage (my redneck master of the dark arts is a whole lot cheaper if you pay in cash and don't need a receipt). In an emergency I could ask my sister for cash if need be. She usually has between $10-$20K in cash hidden in the bottom of a tampon box ("....because burglars are men and men don't steal tampons"). She doesn't really need all that cash. It is an odd game she plays with herself. She gets a percentage of her pay by live check and a percentage by direct deposit. She saves up like a year's worth of checks and cashes them all at once, indulges herself some, and whatever is left goes in the box.

Well, I am an old I guess it is to be expected...

...but even though I use my credit card often, I would sooner leave the house without my pants than without my money clip. Small grocery store payments I almost always make in cash...and I prefer to use cash when eating out.

I always have a folded $20 in my wallet...but in my money clip...I have one or two 20's, a ten or two fives, and usually four singles.


Could be.
I always like to keep 20 to 40 bucks on me.

You know what? Magnetic strips on debit cards can de-magnetize, computer links to store debit card readers can break, I like to tip in cash, and I am still of the generation that feels naked without some cold, hard cash!
I generally don't carry cash. I will get cash out of ATM for specific things like haircuts (she only takes cash) or the garage (my redneck master of the dark arts is a whole lot cheaper if you pay in cash and don't need a receipt). In an emergency I could ask my sister for cash if need be. She usually has between $10-$20K in cash hidden in the bottom of a tampon box ("....because burglars are men and men don't steal tampons"). She doesn't really need all that cash. It is an odd game she plays with herself. She gets a percentage of her pay by live check and a percentage by direct deposit. She saves up like a year's worth of checks and cashes them all at once, indulges herself some, and whatever is left goes in the box.


Carry a few bucks in case of emergency and you aren't at your sisters
I can't wait until cash is outlawed and all you disgusting wrinkly BOOMERS have to join the modern world, just as you continue your unending march to the grave.