This Is Exactly How Much Cash You Should Carry at All Times

Conservatives have no need to enter your snowflake safe spaces.
When we need to feel safe we hang out at ANTIFA riots, those guys are about as dangerous as flys with their wings ripped off.

We’ve seen ya into tiki torches and shit, that’s right, punks. Just more punks. Nothing new or fresh son.
Reading the remarks here in this thread...and in JPP in general...

...I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with the human species that a meteor the size of Alaska could not cure by becoming a meteorite...with direct impact on planet Earth.
I had a friend ran his life on his dept card.Card got hacked,he didn't have a penny or gas to get to his credit union for days!
Carry a few bucks!

In general you should mostly rely on a credit card. If a credit card gets hacked, it sucks, but that's the banks money. A debit card is your money. You can withstand not having credit for a few days, but you can't withstand having your bank account drained usually.
In general you should mostly rely on a credit card. If a credit card gets hacked, it sucks, but that's the banks money. A debit card is your money. You can withstand not having credit for a few days, but you can't withstand having your bank account drained usually.

This guy has no credit card,he has no credit!He ,as I said ran his life off of one piece of plastic,when it got hacked,he didn't have a penny on him or home.Carry a few bucks just in case.
This guy has no credit card,he has no credit!He ,as I said ran his life off of one piece of plastic,when it got hacked,he didn't have a penny on him or home.Carry a few bucks just in case.

I'm not going to carry enough cash to supply me for a few days... that's a pretty huge vulnerability in itself.
I have multiple credit cards and debit cards. If none of them work, there is something a whole lot more going wrong than me being hacked.