It's OK to Be White
so which country has "classless society" style communism?
so which country has "classless society" style communism?
that's because you're an idiot.
Other than the name-calling, do you have a position you'd like to present?
you cant name one. I understand.
yes. there's a vast conspiracy of bad people trying to implement global totalitarianism, and you and idiots like you do their bidding.
yes. there's a vast conspiracy of bad people trying to implement global totalitarianism, and you and idiots like you do their bidding.
A list. I literally posted a list.
A list. I literally posted a list.
Trump seems to be chummy with all the Authoritarian types around the World, Putin of Russia, Erdogan of Turkey, King bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. Are THOSE the people you are talking about?
yes. there's a vast conspiracy of bad people trying to implement global totalitarianism, and you and idiots like you do their bidding.
a black and white propaganda film from 1969. Thanks, Wolverine. (anything about the evils of marijuana?)
Stalin made a better Republican than Trump in many ways.
Stalin had the biggest deportations in recorded history, tight border security, criminalized LGBTQ people, outlawed abortion, had a secret strong police force, and sent people to Gulags for missing work.
trumps not really a republican. hes not a globalist asshole, like republicans, communists, internationalist fascists, and zionists.
Trump's not a globalist? Is that why he hired undocumented immigrants & has peddled his junk by outsourcing?
that's why he's pushing back on bad trade deals, rejecting bad climate deals, enforicng the border, and valuing citizenship.
which dem is doing more?