This is fucked.


Hail Voltaire
Excuse my language. I have been trying to drive home for the past three hours through the snow, despite living only 3 miles from work. This seriously blows.
That sucks dude. We had shitty weather today as well but nothing I couldn't drive home through.
I miss that kind of shit sometimes. Out here, I think they recorded the weather forecast in 1970 and just replay it every morning on the radio.

"Highs today in the mid 70's to lower 80's, scattered showers windward and mauka, trade winds up to 15 miles an hour, and lows in the upper 60's to mid 70's tonite."

Not that I''m complaining, but I do miss badass weather systems.
I miss that kind of shit sometimes. Out here, I think they recorded the weather forecast in 1970 and just replay it every morning on the radio.

"Highs today in the mid 70's to lower 80's, scattered showers windward and mauka, trade winds up to 15 miles an hour, and lows in the upper 60's to mid 70's tonite."

Not that I''m complaining, but I do miss badass weather systems.
It certainly can make you feel manlier to deal with shitty ass weather.

Also, would you be down for some werewolf?
It certainly can make you feel manlier to deal with shitty ass weather.

Also, would you be down for some werewolf?

I'm not around enough for Werewolf. It seems fun though, but I'm like a post or 2 a day guy now, with often time, several days of not being able to hang here. I'd just slow down the game.
I'm not around enough for Werewolf. It seems fun though, but I'm like a post or 2 a day guy now, with often time, several days of not being able to hang here. I'd just slow down the game.
That's too bad, because you'd make the game badass as hell.
Excuse my language. I have been trying to drive home for the past three hours through the snow, despite living only 3 miles from work. This seriously blows.

Been there, done that.

Many years ago I had a van. (Didn't all hippies own a van at one time?) Anyway, on my way home from work it snowed and snowed. Even the city buses were having difficulty so I stopped at a few bus stops and picked up the folks. They had to stand bent over in the back but were happy for the lift and I was happy as their weight provided traction for the back tires. :-)

It took me hours to get home but I made it.
It certainly can make you feel manlier to deal with shitty ass weather.

No joke. I ended up ditching my car at a parking lot downtown and hiking 1 mile back to work in 25 degree weather (~10 degrees with windchill), wearing only canvas shoes and a light jacket. Needless to say, I was not prepared for this storm and now I'm camping out in my office. Beats being on the freeway - I have a view of it and northbound is seriously fucked.
No joke. I ended up ditching my car at a parking lot downtown and hiking 1 mile back to work in 25 degree weather (~10 degrees with windchill), wearing only canvas shoes and a light jacket. Needless to say, I was not prepared for this storm and now I'm camping out in my office. Beats being on the freeway - I have a view of it and northbound is seriously fucked.
So when did you finally get home?
No joke. I ended up ditching my car at a parking lot downtown and hiking 1 mile back to work in 25 degree weather (~10 degrees with windchill), wearing only canvas shoes and a light jacket. Needless to say, I was not prepared for this storm and now I'm camping out in my office. Beats being on the freeway - I have a view of it and northbound is seriously fucked.

That's too bad, dude.
As soon as you get home, let us know.
But at least you have a safe place to hole up.
As long as you can stay do.
Sucks to be stranded.
Can you please let us know how you're doing?
I left work this morning and, after reuniting with my car, managed to navigate back home. It was an interesting night. I caught up on some work, went to sleep at around 12:30, and was startled awake at 3:00 AM by the cleaning crew (I'm certain I startled them as well). Glad to be home.
That's wonderful news.
All's well that end well, they say.
Batten down the hatches and get some rest.
As you know. there's no place like home.
So are you off te rst of the week?
Can you stay home now?
Or do you need to go out again?
I left work this morning and, after reuniting with my car, managed to navigate back home. It was an interesting night. I caught up on some work, went to sleep at around 12:30, and was startled awake at 3:00 AM by the cleaning crew (I'm certain I startled them as well). Glad to be home.

Nothing personal, but I've been enjoying 70 degree weather.:)