This is fucked.

I left work this morning and, after reuniting with my car, managed to navigate back home. It was an interesting night. I caught up on some work, went to sleep at around 12:30, and was startled awake at 3:00 AM by the cleaning crew (I'm certain I startled them as well). Glad to be home.

Where do you live?
I miss that kind of shit sometimes. Out here, I think they recorded the weather forecast in 1970 and just replay it every morning on the radio.

"Highs today in the mid 70's to lower 80's, scattered showers windward and mauka, trade winds up to 15 miles an hour, and lows in the upper 60's to mid 70's tonite."

Not that I''m complaining, but I do miss badass weather systems.

How about Seattle traffic?
Global warming actually wouldn't reduce the frequency of snow storms by that much, unless it turns out to be a complete and total disaster. We are talking about an average temperature shift or 5 degrees or so. The primary negative affect isn't hotter weather.