‘This is going to be very ugly’

Also an unreliable source.

Do I really care what you say? CNN tells the truth, they dont intentionally lie.
You can never say that about Breitbart, Fox, Daily Caller, Newsmax, Gateway Pundit, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage, Alex Jones, and on and on and on.
Demmycrats are going to have a bad fall....first, they will be disappointed by the election...then, the Mueller report will have nothing on Trump......fianally 37 people will announce their bid for the 2020 nomination and they will realize none of them are worth a crap....
Do I really care what you say? CNN tells the truth, they dont intentionally lie.
You can never say that about Breitbart, Fox, Daily Caller, Newsmax, Gateway Pundit, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage, Alex Jones, and on and on and on.

Apparently you do since you're defending liars. You defend Obama and he was the ultimate liar.
Notice Sad Pimp is falling back, redesigning what a 'lack of success' means for the Dems in the election.

By the end of January, Sad Pimp will be screaming at the mean Democrats making Trump cry.

Its amazing how your kind, at the mention of Trumps name, automatically blames everything on Obama. You cant defend, only deflect.

Ok. Trump should just ignore them. Declare executive privilege and go about his business

But you have to have the gavel first. Don’t count your investigations before they are hatched