‘This is going to be very ugly’

Great shape-
the deficits and debt are booming
The middle class can barely keep up
The rich are getting far richer
and Trump does nothing but lie
Unemployment down, GDP up. Things are much better. Go sell your fiction to some dumb, safe space seeking millennial.
What executive experience did Obama have? A JD isn't a qualification for President.

Executive experience is.

Trump has this country in a hell of a lot better shape. Finally things are looking up and he is proud of this country, as any President elected by the people SHOULD BE.

Trump is a fucking moron...out-fucking-moroned...only by his supporter.
Trump is a fucking moron...out-fucking-moroned...only by his supporter.

Check 538.

based on a generic vote.....generics don't vote......you have to look at the polls state by state, district by district........everything else is a waste of your time.......

I have zillions of polls saying Demes will taike the house. You have nothing absolutely nothing.

except RCP.......look at the polls in the toss up states.....except for three or four the incumbent leads in all of them......