This is Islam!

Hey, @christiefan915, compare and contrast:

Afghanistan in the 70s:



Hey, @christiefan915, over 100 Christians were massacred in Syria in less than 24 hours.

No protests. No media coverage. No ICC arrest warrants. No condemnation from Y O U.

silence means consent​

"If you do not voice your objection to something, then it is assumed that you support it."


On June 19, 2014, a group of "immigrants" lured a Swedish teenage girl to a garden colony cabin in Järvafältet outside Stockholm. There, the girl was held captive and raped orally and vaginally by between five and eight individuals. A gun was pressed into her mouth to keep her quiet during the assaults. After the gang finished the rapes, one of the "immigrants" used the gun in a way that caused the young girl severe bleeding in her genital area.“ Now you’ll get to enjoy it too,” he explained, according to the court ruling. The victim later recounted that she felt something “break” in her genital area and believed she was going to die. Guess the sentence for these "immigrants"? Community service.

Your mindless bigotry is even more legendary, Muslim hater.

I disdain all superstitions equally, hyper-hypocritical one. :nodyes:

Meanwhile Y O U blame all M E N for the actions of Muslim M E N.

I asked Grok (who's not a biologist), and Grok says a M A N cannot help being a M A N (yes, they are born that way) but being a Muslim monster is a choice.

Biological sex is determined by genetics—specifically, the combination of sex chromosomes you inherit from your parents. Typically, an XX chromosome pair results in a female, and an XY pair results in a male. This happens at conception, long before anyone has the capacity to choose anything.

If you mean actively identifying as Muslim—sticking with it or converting to it—then yeah, that’s a choice. People can decide to embrace Islam, leave it, or explore something else entirely. Conversion happens all the time, and so does drifting away. It’s a personal call, shaped by your experiences, beliefs, or maybe even a moment of clarity. Data backs this up: millions have converted to Islam (Pew Research estimates about 500,000 in the U.S. alone since the 1990s), and others have walked away, though exact numbers on leaving are harder to pin down.

I disdain all superstitions equally, hyper-hypocritical one. :nodyes:

Meanwhile Y O U blame all M E N for the actions of Muslim M E N.

I asked Grok (who's not a biologist), and Grok says a M A N cannot help being a M A N (yes, they are born that way) but being a Muslim monster is a choice.

Biological sex is determined by genetics—specifically, the combination of sex chromosomes you inherit from your parents. Typically, an XX chromosome pair results in a female, and an XY pair results in a male. This happens at conception, long before anyone has the capacity to choose anything.

If you mean actively identifying as Muslim—sticking with it or converting to it—then yeah, that’s a choice. People can decide to embrace Islam, leave it, or explore something else entirely. Conversion happens all the time, and so does drifting away. It’s a personal call, shaped by your experiences, beliefs, or maybe even a moment of clarity. Data backs this up: millions have converted to Islam (Pew Research estimates about 500,000 in the U.S. alone since the 1990s), and others have walked away, though exact numbers on leaving are harder to pin down.

Being an American monster killer of any religion is also a choice but for some unknown (haha) reason you never post stories about them.

Take the log out of your own eye first, hyper-hypocribbit.

She is anxious to excuse any behavior by Muslims as unrelated to the Religion of Peace.
How bright can a religion be whose members bang their heads on the floor five times a day while mooning a rock in a box covered by a tarp (it's a nice tarp too) at the bottom of a football stadium surrounded by a mass of unwashed humanity swirling around it like water going down a toilet bowl?
How bright can a religion be whose members bang their heads on the floor five times a day while mooning a rock in a box covered by a tarp (it's a nice tarp too) at the bottom of a football stadium surrounded by a mass of unwashed humanity swirling around it like water going down a toilet bowl?
