This is just plain wrong !


Villified User
Deadly harvest: The Lebanese fields sown with cluster bombs
Lebanese villagers must risk death in fields 'flooded' with more than a million Israeli cluster bombs - or leave crops to rot
By Patrick Cockburn in Nabatiyeh
Published: 18 September 2006

The war in Lebanon has not ended. Every day, some of the million bomblets which were fired by Israeli artillery during the last three days of the conflict kill four people in southern Lebanon and wound many more.

The casualty figures will rise sharply in the next month as villagers begin the harvest, picking olives from trees whose leaves and branches hide bombs that explode at the smallest movement. Lebanon's farmers are caught in a deadly dilemma: to risk the harvest, or to leave the produce on which they depend to rot in the fields.

In a coma in a hospital bed in Nabatiyeh lies Hussein Ali Ahmad, a 70-year-old man from the village of Yohmor. He was pruning an orange tree outside his house last week when he dislodged a bomblet; it exploded, sending pieces of shrapnel into his brain, lungs and kidneys. "I know he can hear me because he squeezes my hand when I talk to him," said his daughter, Suwad, as she sat beside her father's bed in the hospital.

At least 83 people have been killed by cluster munitions since the ceasefire, according to independent monitors.

Some Israeli officers are protesting at the use of cluster bombs, each containing 644 small but lethal bomblets, against civilian targets in Lebanon. A commander in the MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems) unit told the Israeli daily Haaretz that the army had fired 1,800 cluster rockets, spraying 1.2 million bomblets over houses and fields. "In Lebanon, we covered entire villages with cluster bombs," he said. "What we did there was crazy and monstrous." What makes the cluster bombs so dangerous is that 30 per cent of the bomblets do not detonate on impact. They can lie for years - often difficult to see because of their small size, on roofs, in gardens, in trees, beside roads or in rubbish - waiting to explode when disturbed.

"The cluster bombs all landed in the last days of the war," said Nuhar Hejazi, a surprisingly cheerful 65-year-old woman. "There were 35 on the roof of our house and 200 in our garden so we can't visit our olive trees." People in Yohmor depend on their olive trees and the harvest should begin now before the rains, but the trees are still full of bomblets. "My husband and I make 20 cans of oil a year which we need to sell," Mrs Hejazi says. "Now we don't know what to do." The sheer number of the bomblets makes it almost impossible to remove them all.

Frederic Gras, a de-mining expert formerly in the French navy, who is leading the MAG teams in Yohmor, says: "In the area north of the Litani river, you have three or four people being killed every day by cluster bombs. The Israeli army knows that 30 per cent of them do not explode at the time they are fired so they become anti-personnel mines."

Why did the Israeli army do it? The number of cluster bombs fired must have been greater than 1.2 million because, in addition to those fired in rockets, many more were fired in 155mm artillery shells. One Israeli gunner said he had been told to "flood" the area at which they were firing but was given no specific targets. M. Gras, who personally defuses 160 to 180 bomblets a day, says this is the first time he seen cluster bombs used against heavily populated villages.

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that's just depressing. Further proof that the US's and Israel's method of stopping terrorism will only lead to more terrorism. How can you not hate the gov't responsible for doing something like that to your family?
I don't even think I really want to know. That's just incredibly sad. Those poor people. What are they supposed to do?
Wow, that really sucks.

I hope those bombs don't have "Made in the USA" written on them.

Yes they do and yes we did. In fact when the Israelis ran out of cluster bombs we rush shipped a whole plane load right over to them for instant use. And use them they did. Now those damn unecploded bomblets are everywhere; all over Lebanon. Over 80 people have been killed so far by the bomblet's in Lebanon since the war ended. And now we are approaching the beginning of the Olive Harvest and many of the fields and the ares in between the trees are filled with unexploded bomblets, so there is speculalton that many more people will be killed. Hizbollah all by the way!!! Remember these are special bombs which can understand who is who and are only explodidng when stepped on by Hizbollah, so nothing to worry about..
What was being done there was a strategic move to prevent hezbollah from moving more rockets into those areas and setting up again. These are probably areas resonably close to the Israeli border. Strategically it makes sense. In the humanitrian sense its cruel. The lebanese have to suffer because of hezbollah. Let hezbollah go in a clear the mines, since they are so concerned about the people.
What was being done there was a strategic move to prevent hezbollah from moving more rockets into those areas and setting up again. These are probably areas resonably close to the Israeli border. Strategically it makes sense. In the humanitrian sense its cruel. The lebanese have to suffer because of hezbollah. Let hezbollah go in a clear the mines, since they are so concerned about the people.
It is also possible that Hizbollah spread some of their own when IDF was invading. This idea that only the Israelis were doing bad things has got to cause headaches for the people attempting to ignore muslim atrocities.
Is this a new method of land mines for an area ?
I notice that a group of mostly britons and french seem to be working on clearing them up. Not the USA or Israel....
I don't think Hezbollah has those kind of weapons as they are aerially dropped.

They might use mines or something like that though.

The thing is we expect Hezbollah to do things like that they are a terrorist organization. However most people don't consider the state of Israel to be terrorist. Thus they are held to higher standards.

In a prison conduct by the guards is subject to greater rebuke than the conduct of the prisoners.
question... do any of you think that if Hizbollah had cluster bombs, and the equipment too use em, do you think they would ?