This is just plain wrong !

A cluster bomm is comoposed of a shell containing the bomblets that butsts open before hitting the ground and scatters out the bomblets, which should explode on contact with the ground spreading a wide area of shrapnel. Many do not explode though and just lie theire till disturbed by children, etc. the "shell" can be fired by artillery, missle, bomb from plane, etc....
A cluster bomm is comoposed of a shell containing the bomblets that butsts open before hitting the ground and scatters out the bomblets, which should explode on contact with the ground spreading a wide area of shrapnel. Many do not explode though and just lie theire till disturbed by children, etc. the "shell" can be fired by artillery, missle, bomb from plane, etc....

but they also have control on where they land, and how far they spread out. and the ones that dont explode are basicly like land mines, but more exposed .