This is russia. What do you notice?

South African farmers are moving to Russia because they fear for their lives in S. Africa and Russia and other countries in that region what them. Russia and company will give them free land.

All whites should leave SA. It's falling apart just like everybody knew it would. Blacks cannot build a modern society and cannot even maintain one they steal from others.
All whites should leave SA. It's falling apart just like everybody knew it would. Blacks cannot build a modern society and cannot even maintain one they steal from others.

All whites should fight for America...refuse to let this insane bullshit of a lie keep them from speaking their truth.

But sadly most refuse to manage.

Buckle Up.
It's really funny how MAGA morons spent decades hollering about fighting for freedom, but were so quick to emulate their Orange Messiah in worshipping a totalitarian police state.
No police in sight
No homeless in sight
No litter or graffiti in sight

The real Moscow has lots of homelessness, litter, police, and graffiti.

It is not always quite clear who is homeless, and who is just too drunk to make it home, but a lot of people freeze to death in Russia because they are not in a heated home. Saint Petersburg has much more problems with heroin addiction than Moscow does, which also kills a lot of people in that cold.

And everywhere people are throwing up or pissing. The whole country smells of piss. It is like the worst frat party on Earth.

The women are beautiful... UNTIL THEY ARE NOT!!! The heavy drinking has a price to pay sooner or later.

But why listen to me? You should move to Russia.
Nobody looks happy?

Never smile in Russia. Smiling should only be done with close family and friends. Doing it on the streets confuses and angers Russians. If someone smiles at you, you are about to be physically attacked. RUN!!!
1. Apparently blacks are not allowed.

There is a tiny Russian Black population that Catherine the Great bought, and some more Blacks that intermarried with Russians. One of the most popular Russian authors, Pushkin, was part Black. The universities will often have a lot of Blacks from Africa, with there being some children from romantic unions in there.

All in all, Blacks are about as numerous as people from India in 1960's Kansas.

3. No EV charging stations

One thing that really impressed me was Russia's use of electric vehicles that goes back to the 1920's, but not batteries. Almost all the railroads are electrified, unlike the very few in the USA. And ordinary Russian really ride both the intercity, and regional rail. The subways are obviously electrified, and both Moscow and Saint Petersburg have large, well used subways. There are also busses that are electric with overhead electricity. They are almost like street trolleys, but are able to shift around a bit in their lanes, or even turn at intersections. And there are of course street trolleys still in use in many second level cities.

The USSR wanted to reserve gasoline and diesel for tanks, so used electricity for as many other things as possible.
The Russians dress better.

That is true about Europeans in general. And in fact, most non-Americans do not have the concept of our dressing down. Relatively rich Americans will dress in shabby clothing, where in other parts of the world it is alien to them.

That is changing over time. As people get wealthier for more generations, they stop trying to impress people as much through clothing. They start going for comfort more. America may just be ahead of the curve on all this.
The real Moscow has lots of homelessness, litter, police, and graffiti.

It is not always quite clear who is homeless, and who is just too drunk to make it home, but a lot of people freeze to death in Russia because they are not in a heated home. Saint Petersburg has much more problems with heroin addiction than Moscow does, which also kills a lot of people in that cold.

And everywhere people are throwing up or pissing. The whole country smells of piss. It is like the worst frat party on Earth.

The women are beautiful... UNTIL THEY ARE NOT!!! The heavy drinking has a price to pay sooner or later.

But why listen to me? You should move to Russia.

You are an idiot and not paying attention. The OP asked what I, or you, saw in the video presented. I stated what I saw in that video. That doesn't mean it's representative of all of Russia, but it does mean it is representative of that video.
You are an idiot and not paying attention. The OP asked what I, or you, saw in the video presented. I stated what I saw in that video. That doesn't mean it's representative of all of Russia, but it does mean it is representative of that video.

And I have stated what I have seen in Russia.
Almost all the railroads are electrified, unlike the very few in the USA. And ordinary Russian really ride both the intercity, and regional rail. The subways are obviously electrified, and both Moscow and Saint Petersburg have large, well used subways. There are also busses that are electric with overhead electricity.
This should not impress you. There is something majorly wrong with your push here. I get it that you wish to be a loyal leftist and spout the party line, which is that using electricity and EVs is just superior to using ICEs and hydrocarbons. This is an ignorant view. In physics, there is this thing called the 2nd law of thermodynamics which makes it impossible for EVs to be more efficient than ICEs. Most leftists advocating for EVs are scientifically illiterate and believe that electricity is somehow magically created for free out of nothing by charging stations.

Charging stations are powered by electrical generators that run on hydrocarbons. Whereas an ICE converts hydrocarbons directly into kinetic energy (at roughly 29% efficiency), electrical generators generate electricity at about the same efficiency, perhaps a bit lower, because the resulting kinteic energy has to then generate electricity which comes at a loss. But then the electricity has to be carried over cables to the charging stations, also at a steep loss. When an EV is charging at charging station, there is some loss (not much) getting the charge into the battery. Then the conversion of the EV's electrical energy into kinetic energy comes at a severe loss. Ergo, much more hydrocarbon fuel is burned to get an EV to go one mile than is burned to get an ICE to go one mile.

The USSR wanted to reserve gasoline and diesel for tanks, so used electricity for as many other things as possible.
Obviously they are wasting gasoline and diesel on all the other things. ICEs would be far more fuel efficient.
Never smile in Russia. Smiling should only be done with close family and friends. Doing it on the streets confuses and angers Russians. If someone smiles at you, you are about to be physically attacked. RUN!!!
Must be a Europe thing. I heard the same about France.